
Updated 29 April 2016

This page has not yet been fully updated to reflect changes in v1.06 in Arulco Vacations

The title to this age keeps changing, but basically it is a age of lists that aid in mod design. This page can also be useful for Players when assembling squads. Remember, however, that these listings are specific to this Arulco Vacations mod, and not Jagged Alliance 2 in general, or any other mod -- much of the data below is the same as in v1.13, but not all of it is. 

The first aid is simply a list of all the characters in Arulco Vacations. The characters are listed by the <uiIndex> and the <zName> assigned to them. Vehicles are included in this list as they are considered 'characters' by the game engine.

The second is simply a list of all the Mercs with the "Loner" trait, listed with their <uiIndex> number.

That is followed by a third list of all the Mercs with the "Sociable" trait, also listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The fourth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Optimist" Trait, again listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The fifth is a list of all Mercs with the "Pessimist" Trait listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The sixth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Dauntless" Trait list by their <uiIndex> number.

The seventh is a list of Mercs afflicted with the "Psycho" Disability, also listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The eighth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Deputy" Skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The ninth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Squadleader" Skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The tenth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Teacher" Skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The eleventh is a list of all the Mercs with the "Stealthy" skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The twelfth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Scout" skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The thirteenth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Radio Operator" skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The fourteenth is a list of all the Mercs with the "Covert Ops" skill listed by their <uiIndex> number.

The fifteenth is a 'list' of the one Merc with the "Spy" skill (Covert Ops x2) listed by his <uiIndex> number.

The sixteenth is simply a list of all the 3.11 & MOLLE gear sorted by their <uiIndex> number. It is useful when modding the XML files. The MOLLE items are noted, I've forgotten what the "SO" stands for (!)(it was a notation I made to help me remember something . . .), and the 3.11 items are without notation. I did add a couple or three MOLLE items in v1.05 . . . and as soon as I remember to add them to this list, I will (I'm at work right now . . . shhh!).

That is followed by a seventeenth list which has all the Shotguns, again sorted by <uiIndex> number.

The eighteenth is a list of the sound file descriptions and how the sound files are ordered. (Thanks to The Hairy Vlad).

The nineteenth is the descriptions of the so-called Battle Sounds (Merc utterances that don't have an associated text bubble in-game). (also thanks to The Hairy Vlad)

The last one is a list of all current Jagged Alliance sites -- because there's a ton of info on them for modders. Just be careful to remember that some of them are not valid for every mod -- especially one like Arulco vacations which has modified many aspects of the original game. (Thanks go to Scheinworld for compiling this list)

Character List

0- Barry Unger
1- Keith "Blood" Hanson
2- Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts
3- Steve "Grizzly" Bornell
4- Victoria Waters
5- Trevor Colby
6- Helmut Grunther
7- Ivan Dolvich
8- Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski
9- Igor Dolvich
10- Kyle "Shadow" Simmons
11- Ernie "Red" Spragg
12- Carl "Reaper" Sheppards
13- Fidel Dahan
14- Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman
15- Sidney Nettleson
16- Gus Tarballs
17- Monica "Buns" Sondergaard
18- Ice Williams
19- Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston
20- Dr. Clifford Highball
21- John "Bull" Peters
22- Frank "Hitman" Hennessy
23- Louisa "Buzz" Garneau
24- Ron "Raider" Higgens
25- Charlene "Raven" Higgens
26- Kirk "Static" Stevenson
27- Corp. Len Anderson
28- Dr. Daniel Quinten
29- Earl "Magic" Walker
30- Stephen Rothman
31- Robert James Sullivan
32- J.P. "La Malice" Viau
33- Dr. Q. Huaong
34- Edgar "Nails" Smorth
35- Thor Kaufman
36- Sheila "Scope" Sterling
37- Peter "Wolf" Sanderson
38- Dr. Michael Dawson
39- Norma "Meltdown" Jessop
40- Biff Apscott
41- Frankie "Haywire" Gordon
42- Doug "Gasket" Milton
43- Bill "Razor" Lamont
44- Florence Gabriel
45- Tim "Gumpy" Hillman
46- Larry Roachburn
47- Larry Roachburn
48- Jim "Cougar" Wallace
49- Tim "Numb" Sutton
50- Thorton "Bubba" Jones
51- PGmale1
52- PGmale2
53- PGmale3
54- PGLady1
55- PGLady2
56- PGLady3
57- Miguel Cordona
58- Carlos Dasouza
59- Ira Smythe
60- Dimitri Guzzo
61- Devin Connell
62- Madlab's Robot
63- Hamous
64- Terry "Slay" Ruttwen
65- Eskimo - Removed
66- Greg "Dynamo" Duncan
67- Breeham "Shank" Druz
68- Igmus "Iggy" Palkov
69- Dr. Vincent Beaumont
70- Lt. Conrad Gillitt
71- RPC71 "The Eskimo"
72- Kevin "Maddog" Cameron
73- Darrel Jr.
74- Alish Perkopoulos
75- Queen Deidranna
76- Auntie
77- Enrico Chivaldori
78- Carmen Dancio
79- Joseph Papanus
80- Dr. Steven Willis
81- Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo
82- Annie "MoM" "Mother of Mayhem"
83- Chris "Kris Karter" "Imposter" Carter
84- Bob
85- Brenda Drake
86- Peter "Kingpin" Klauss
87- Darren Van Haussen
88- Maria DaSilva
89- Angel Dasilva
90- Joey Graham
91- Tony
92- Frank
93- Spike
94- Damon Warrick
95- Kyle Lemmons
96- Micky O'Brien
97- James "Skyrider" Bullock
98- Pablo Greco
99- Salvatore Lappus
100- Father John Walker
101- Fatima
102- Christine Woltz
103- Gordon Jefferies
104- Gary "Gabby" Mulnick
105- Dr. Ernest Poppin
106- Fred Morris
107- Madame Layla
108- Yanni Nomigotta
109- Martha Graham
110- Tiffany "Joe" Eddie
111- Jasmin "T-Rex" Rexall
112- Sammy "Charlie" "The Druggist" Elgin
113- Jake Cameron
114- Pacos
115- Dave Gerard
116- Skipper
117- Hans Vanderkilt
118- John Kulba
119- Mary Kulba
120- General Theo Humphey
121- Sergeant Krott
122- Armand Ricci
123- Lora Ricci
124- Franz Hinkle
125- Howard Filmore
126- Sam Rozen
127- Eldin Fiddes
128- Arnold Brunzwell
129- Tina Elzan
130- Alexander Fredo
131- Walter Bazzon
132- Jenny Walden
133- Billy GoonBall
134- Brewster Woltz
135- Messenger of Bad News
136- Part of crowd for end game
137- Part of endgame crowd
138- Waldo Zimmer
139- Doreen Harrows
140- Jim Perry
141- Jack Remington
142- Olaf Helinski
143- Ray Baker
144- Olga Statova
145- Tyrone Banks
146- Dr. Nathaniel "MadLab" Kairns
147- Keith Hemps
148- Matt Duncan
149- Mike
150- Daryl Hick
151- Herve Santos
152- Peter Santos
153- Alberto Santos
154- Carlo Santos
155- Manny Santos
156- Oswald Johnston
157- Calvin Barkmore
158- Carl Tercel
159- Speck...
160- Hummer
161- El Dorado
162- Ice Cream Truck
163- Heli
164- Tank
165- Gaston Cavalier
166- Lt. "Stogie" Horge
167- Tex Colburn
168- Col. Frederick Biggins
169- PGmale4
170- Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov
171- Janno "Brain" Allik
172- Lennart "Scream" Vilde
173- Henning von Branitz
174- Luc Fabre
175- Dr. Laura Colin
176- Graziella "Grace" Girelli
177- Rudolf Steiger
178- Gregory "Spooky" Block
179- Bruce "Skitz" Bonner
180- Willy "Weasel" Augustin
181- Carl "It" Goodman
182- Dr. Bernie Gloveless
183- Murray "Pops" McGillicutty
184- Walter Yuntz
185- Dr. Eli Summers
186- Dr. Mitch Shudlem
187- Howard "Carp" Melfield
188- Lance Fisher
189- Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon
190- Wink E. Dickerson
191- Speck T. Kline
192- PGmale5
193- PGLady4
194- PGLady5
195- John Kulba
196- Elio
197- Juan
198- Wahan
199- Jeep
200- (Empty)
201- (Empty)
202- (Empty)
203- (Empty)
204- (Empty)
205- Rachel Thorne
206- Rude Dog
207- Jerry Melo
208- (Empty)
209- (Empty)
210- (Empty)
211- (Empty)
212- (Empty)
213- (Empty)
214- (Empty)
215- (Empty)
216- (Empty)
217- (Empty)
218- (Empty)
219- (Empty)
220- Jack "Postie" Durham
221- Unusually Ruthless Reuban
222- Col. Leon Roachburn
223- Gary Roachburn
224- Megan "Sparky" Roachburn
225- Mary Beth Wilkens
226- Samuel Garver
227- Hurl E. Cutter
228- Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan
229- Manuel Rivas
230- Glen "Boss" Hatchet
231- Johnny "Snake" Edwards
232- Alan "Spam" Webster
233- Maj. Spike Scallion
234- Jimmy Upton
235- Timothy "Leech" Jenkins
236- Capt. Bob Adams
237- Col. Leo Kelly
238- Vincenzo Massimo
239- Marty "Kaboom" Moffat
240- Lt. Bud Hellar
241- Russel Hunter
242- Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim
243- Patrick "Screw" Phillips
244- Elroy B. Tolken
245- Anita "Mouse" Backman
246- Hector Alvarez
247- Reverend Clyde Potter
248- Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel
249- Edward "Ears" Stockwell
250- Murray "Moses" Ebstern
251- Lesley "Smoke" Petersen
252- Roger "Dyno" Wittman
253- Herman "Turtle" Regents
254- Commander Jane Shepard


10 - Kyle "Shadow" Simmons
12 - Carl "Reaper" Sheppards
16 - Gus Tarballs
28 - Daniel Quinten
37 - Peter "Wolf" Sanderson
47 - Larry Roachburn drunk
49 - Tim "Numb" Sutton
58 - Carlos Dasouza
61 - Devin Connell
64 - Terry "Slay" Ruttwen
149 - Mike
170 - Victor "Monk" Kalesnikov
171 - Janno "Brain" Allik
178 - Gregory "Spook" Block
229 - Manuel Rivas
231 - Johnny "Snake" Edwards
244 - Elroy B Tolken


18 - Ice Williams
19 - Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston
22 - Frank "Hitman" Hennessy
26 - Kirk "Static" Stevenson
35 - Thor Kaufman
36 - Sheila "Scope" Sterling
40 - Biff Apscott
46 - Larry Roachburn (not drunk)
59 - Ira Smythe
80 - Dr. Steven Willis
89 - Angel DaSilva
92 - Frank
95 - Kyle Lemmons
97 - James "Skyrider" Bullock
106 - Fred Morris
107 - Madame Layla
115 - Dave Gerard
118 & 195 - John Kulba (Tourist & Mercenary)
127 - Eldin Fiddes
132 - Jenny Walden
181 - Carl "It" Goodman
226 - Samuel Garver
239 - Marty "Kaboom" Moffat
240 - Lt. Bud Hellar
246 - Hector Alvarez
250 - Murray "Moses" Ebstern
252 - Roger "Dyno" Wittman


1- Keith "Blood" Hanson
4 - Victoria Waters
6 - Helmut "Grunty" Grunther
15 - Sidney Nettleson
38 - Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson
67 - Breeham "Shank" Druz
69 - Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont
108 - Yanni Nomigotta
109 - Martha Graham
116 - Skipper
125 - Howard Filmore
135 - Elliot
168 - Col. Frederick Biggins
189 - Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon
207 - Jerry Melo
232 - Alan "Spam" Webster
237 - Col. Leo Kelly
245 - Anita "Mouse" Backman


2- Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts
17 - Monica "Buns" Sondergaard
27 - Corp. Len Anderson
30 - Stephen Rothman
70 - Lt. Conrad Gillitt
86 - Peter "Kingpin" Klauss
172 - Lennart "Scream" Vilde
190 - Wink E. Dickerson
236 - Capt. Bob Adams
247 - Reverend Clyde Potter


9 - Igor Dolvich
29 - Earl "Magic" Walker
34 - Edgar "Nails" Smorth
48 - Jim "Cougar" Wallace
85 - Brenda Drake
112 - Sammy/Charlie "The Druggist"
120 - General Theo Humphey
175 - Dr. Laura Colin
182 - Dr. Bernie Gloveless
183 - Murray "Pops" McGillicutty
187 - Howard "Carp" Melfield
198 - Wahan
205 - Rachel Thorne
222 - Col. Leon Roachburn
233 - Maj. Spike Scallion
248 - Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel
253 - Herman "Turtle" Regents
254 - Commander Jane Shepard


13 - Fidel Dahan
23 - Louisa "Buzz" Garneau
41 - Frankie "Haywire" Gordon
43 - Bill "Razor" Lamont
66 - Greg "Dynamo" Duncan
72 - Kevin "Maddog" Cameron
75 - Queen Deidranna
82 - Annie "Mother of Mayhem"
112 - Sammy/Charlie "The Druggist"
150 - Daryl Hick
157 - Calvin Barkmore
178 - Gregory "Spooky" Block
179 - Bruce "Skitz" Bonner
220 - Jack "Postie" Durham
221 - Unusually Ruthless Reuban
243 - Patrick "Screw" Phillips


16 - Gus Tarballs
17 - Monica "Buns" Sondergaard (in v1.06)
18 - Ice Williams (in v1.07)
22 - Frank "Hitman" Hennessy
27 - Corporal Len Anderson
30 - Stephen Rothman
37 - Peter "Wolf" Sanderson (in v1.07)
57 - Miguel Cordona
79 - Joseph Papanus
121 - Sergeant Krott
168 - Colonel Frederick Biggins
172 - Lennart "Scream" Vilde
177 - Rudolf Steiger
183 - Murray "Pops" McGillicutty
233 - Major Spike Scallion
248 - Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel (in v1.06)


24 - Ron "Raider" Higgens
75 - Queen Deidranna
77 - Enrico Chivaldori
86 - Peter "Kingpin" Klauss
102 - Christine Woltz
120 - General Theo Humphey
222 - Col. Leon Roachburn
254 - Commander Jane Shepard

Teacher (aka Militia Trainer)

11 - Ernie "Red" Spragg
18 - Ice Williams
22 - Frank "Hitman" Hennessy
24 - Ron "Raider" Higgens
27 - Corp. Len Anderson
30 - Stephen Rothman
37 - Peter "Wolf" Sanderson
38 - Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson
57 - Miguel Cordona (in v1.06)
59 - Ira Smythe
69 - Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont
70 - Lt. Conrad Gillitt
100 - Father John Walker
111 - Jasmin "T-Rex" Rexall (in v1.06)
146 - Dr. Nathaniel "MadLab" Kairns
173 - Henning von Branitz
188 - Lance Fisher
222 - Colonel Leon Roachburn
226 - Samuel Garver
236 - Captain Bob Adams
247 - Reverend Clyde Potter
250 - Murray "Moses" Ebstern (in v1.06)

Note: MD, Ira, Vince, Father John, & Madlab will all have this Teacher Skill replaced with a more appropriate one for them in v1.06 -- thus making the Teacher Skill a true Militia Trainer Skill.


9 - Igor Dolvich
10 - Kyle "Shadow" Simmons
12 - Carl "Reaper" Sheppards
19 - Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston
25 - Charlene "Raven" Higgens
29 - Earl "Magic" Walker
35 - Thor Kaufman
46 - Larry Roachburn not drunk
48 - Jim "Cougar" Wallace
58 - Carlos DaSouza
63 - Hamous
73 - Darrel Hick Jr.
81 - Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo
88 - Maria DaSilva
89 - Angel DaSilva
90 - Joey Graham
91 - Tony
96 - Micky O'Brien
97 - James "Skyrider" Bullock
98 - Pablo Greco
104 - Gary "Gabby" Mulnick
112 - Sammy "Charlie" "The Druggist"
140 - Jim Perry
175 - Dr. Laura Colin
205 - Rachel Thorne
206 - Rude Dog
207 - Jerry Melo
220 - Jack "Postie" Durham
225 - Mary Beth Wilkens
229 - Manuel Rivas
231 - Johnny "Snake" Edwards
232 - Alan "Spam" Webster
244 - Elroy B. Tolken
245 - Anita "Mouse" Backman


2 - Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts
48 - Jim "Cougar" Wallace
58 - Carlos DaSouza
59 - Ira Smythe
97 - James "Skyrider" Bullock
116 - Skipper
196 - Elio
205 - Rachel Thorne
233 - Major Spike Scallion
249 - Edward "Ears" Stockwell

Radio Operator

44 - Florence Gabriel
180 - Willy "Weasel" Augustin
207 - Jerry Melo
236 - Captain Bob Adams
249 - Edward "Ears" Stockwell

Covert Ops

83 - Kris "Chris" "The Imposter" Karver
140 - Jim Perry
141 - Jack Remington
142 - Olaf Helinski
143 - Ray Baker
144 - Olga Statova
145 - Tyrone Banks
187 - Howard "Carp" Melfield
189 - Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon
245 - Anita "Mouse" Backman

244 - Elroy B. Tolken

3.11 & MOLLE Gear

1641 large holster - SO
1642 shotgun holster - SO
1643 SMG leg rig - SO
1644 TK rig - SO
1645 triple pistol mags - SO
1646 equipment pouch - SO
1647 bomb pouch - SO
1648 12g shotgun rig - SO

1649 thigh rig - MOLLE
1650 horizontal pouch - MOLLE
1651 vest 3.11
1652 ammo belt
1653 holster pouch
1654 mini-frag pouch
1655 double MP5 pouch
1656 h20 carrier
1657 single AR
1658 med pouch
1659 double pistol
1660 knife holster
1661 explosives pouch
1662 syringe pouch
1663 shotgun bandolier
1664 documents pouch

1666 casualty response kit
1667 Black MOLLE vest
1668 Multicam vest

1669 throwing knife sheath
1670 12g pouch
1671 small drop pouch
1672 sniper pouch
1673 rifle pouch
1674 knife sheath
1675 revolver pouch - MOLLE
1676 Specter Rig - MOLLE
1667 Russian holster - MOLLE
1678 rifle grenade pouch
1679 pistol mag pouch
1680 AR pouch - MOLLE
1681 kit drop pouch

1682 MAT-V vest - MOLLE
1683 S.T.R.I.K.E. vest

1684 drop pouch
1685 large mag pouch
1686 triple grenade pouch
1687 flashbang pouch
1688 triple pistol mag pouch - MOLLE
1689 triple SMG mag pouch - MOLLE
1690 large thigh rig - MOLLE

1691 sniper bag
1693 Condor vest - MOLLE
1694 Archer vest - MOLLE
1695 carabiner

1696 double grenade pouch

1705 USMC backpack
1706 USMC assault pack

31 - Remington 870
32 - SPAS-15
33 - HK CAWS
340 - Saiga 12k
341 - Benelli M3 Convertible
621 - Benelli M4 Super 90
679 - Ithaca Model 37
694 - Baikal MP-133
711 - Sawed-Off Shotgun
731 - Street Sweeper
732 - Super Shorty Mini Shotgun
741 - USAS-12
754 - Baikal MP-233B
775 - SPAS-12
898 - Fabarm FP6
899 - Fabarm SDASS
1352 - Hand Mortar
1522 - KAC Masterkey
1729 - Winchester M12 Trench gun

Sound File Order  

000 - sees enemy
001 - sees enemy
002 - sees lots of enemies
003 - sees bug
004 - sees bug for first time
005 - sees signs of the bugs
006 - hears something
007 - smell signs of the bugs
008 - expects trouble
009 - hopes the bugs are gone
010 - see too many bugs
011 - sees item
012 - sees item
013 - out of ammo
014 - badly injured/deathspeech
015 - friend 1 dies
016 - friend 2 dies
017 - friend 3 dies
018 - (nothing)
019 - weapon jams
020 - gets shot repeatedly
021 - complains about injury
022 - avoids a bullet or explosion
023 - warns that can't hit target
024 - is injured
025 - is tired
026 - is out of breath/needs a break
027 - killed an enemy
028 - killed a bug
029 - complains about disliked merc 1
030 - complains about disliked merc 2
031 - complains about disliked merc 3
032 - killed mike
033 - sees gruesome death
034 - won't go in water
035 - has finished a task
036 - refuses to obey order
037 - has a drink of alcohol
038 - has killed the bug queen
039 - complains about npc
040 - complains about team/job/deal
041 - thinks enemies are inferior
042 - sees air strike
043 - complains about quality of equipment
044 - would prefer to work alone
045 - complains about other merc
046 - just gained a stat point/level
047 - disagrees with strategy
048 - disagrees with strategy
049 - finds out is in team with disliked merc
050 - finds out is in team with disliked merc
051 - congradulates friend 1
052 - congradulates friend 2
053 - congradulates friend 3
054 - would prefer to discuss contract later
055 - sees mike
056 - is blinded
057 - fails repeatedly at a task and refuses to continue
058 - appreciates an npc's personality
059 - detects enemies in sector
060 - knows enemies are left
061 - finds cool item?
062 - killed an enemy
063 - sees Joey
064 - responds reassuringly to miguel
065 - all enemies defeated
066 - items are missing from Bobby Ray Shipment
067 - killed Doreen
068 - sees bloodcat
069 - victory speech
070 - all enemies have fled the sector
071 - (nothing)
072 - (nothing)
073 - seconds someone's comment
074 - complains about quality of equipment
075 - discovers a mine in the ground
076 - discovers a mine in the ground
077 - (nothing)
078 - has arrived at chosen destination
079 - (nothing)
080 - refuses to join because of casualty rate
081 - refuses to join because of casualty rate
082 - refuses to extend contract
083 - refuses to extend contract because of short notice
084 - video-phone greeting
085 - accepts dismissal pleased and willing to work again
086 - refuses to join because of disliked merc
087 - refuses to join because of disliked merc
088 - refuses to join because of disliked merc
089 - notifies that contract is ending soon
090 - accepts contract extension
091 - accepts to join
092 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 1's influence
093 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 2's influence
094 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 3's influence
095 - refuses to join because of casualty rate
096 - repeats
097 - you cannot afford this mercenary
098 - accepts dismissal
099 - refuses to join because of casualty rate (repeated)
100 - refuses to join because of disliked merc (repeated)
101 - refuses to join because of disliked merc (repeated)
102 - refuses to join because of disliked merc (repeated)
103 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 1's influence
104 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 2's influence
105 - reluctantly accepts to join because of friend 3's influence
106 - repeats
107 - you cannot afford this mercenary
108 - video-phone greeting (alternate)
109 - make a comment about video-phone technology
110 - comments on your delay while using video-phone
111 - asks how long and if you buy the equipment, etc (payment options)
112 - comments on your delay while using video-phone
113 - comments about another mercenary when using video-phone
114 - comments about another mercenary when using video-phone
115 - notifies that contract is ending soon
116 - asks for higher pay grades

Battle Sounds

 _ATTN.wav - The sound made when you initially click on the character, or when he/she is already selected at the beginning of a turn.
_COOL.wav - A response to a good kill or finding an item by opening a container.
_CURSE.wav - Cursing when missing a shot or failing at a task.
_DYING.wav - The sound the character does when dying or falling unconscious.
_ENEM.wav - The default sound when seeing an enemy.
_GOTIT.wav - When the character has successfully picked up an item and placed it into his/her inventory.
_HIT1.wav - Sound made when the character gets hit or suffers from an unbandaged wound.
_HIT2.wav - ditto.
_HUMM.wav - Sound made when spotting an object or finding something by opening a container.
_LAUGH.wav - Usually follows a kill using burst or autofire.
_LMATTN.wav - Pissed off ATTN (see above)
_LMOK1.wav - Pissed off OK1 (see below)
_LMOK2.wav - Pissed off OK2 (see below)
_LOCKED.wav - Notifies that the door or container is locked.
_NOTH.wav - Finds nothing on the ground or in a container.
_OK1.wav - Acknowledges an order
_OK2.wav - Acknowledges an order

Jagged Alliance Web Sites


A.I.M. (Forum of Russian community):

Jagged Alliance Center (Forum of Polish community):

Jagged Alliance Basis (Forum of German community):


JA2 v1.13 Mod Wiki:

The Jagged Alliance Wiki:

Jagged Alliance 2 Strategy Wiki:

Dieter's Jagged Alliance 2 Wiki:

Cougar's Jagged Alliance 2 guides:

Headrock's Jagged Alliance 1.13 HAM Wiki:

Wiki ubuntuusers Jagged Alliance2:


Jagged Alliance Galaxy:

The Jagged Alliance StrongPoint (J.A.S.P.) by ATigersClaw:

Jagged Alliance 2 Relationships by Kordanor:

Roadkill's Jagged Alliance Site:


Vietnam SOG '69 Site by Jay aka Becoming X:

Information Site related to JA2: Stracciatella by bbun:

JA2-Stracciatella Continued project Site by Gennady:




Jagged Alliance Center:

Liberate Arulco:

Narodzini Jagged Alliance by Ian Currie:



Ja2 Basis:

Jagged Alliance Spieltipps:

Azrael's Jagged Alliance Heaven:

Jagged Alliance 2 Bihohazard Mod:


  1. Thanks for putting up this page, having the item #s really helps speed up any minor gear tweaking, I like to standardize a bunch of my gear up front (what I think an employer would do) and save the more diverse gear for the AIM/MERC NPCs since they are 'as-is' hires.

  2. Have one question. I cannot locate Dynamo. Must have sweeped Tixa 3 times, all floors, nad still the guy is nowhere to be found...

    1. He's there, either on the ground level in the west row of cells, or downstairs in the east row of cells. He's been flaky about appearing and I don't know why. Sometimes it helps to re-enter the sector -- as the program then determines again who is in the sector.


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