
Updated 30 January 2016

Nationality, Hated Nationality, Race, Racism, Sexism, Refinement, Appearance, Care Levels, Hated Individuals and Buddies.

This page has not yet been fully updated to reflect changes in v1.06 in Arulco Vacations

SPECIAL NOTE!!! What I have done for v1.04 and v1.05 is to remove the new officially designated Hateds and Buddies that are noted below -- however, I have kept the morale adjustments with a minor reduction (-25 became -20, and +25 became +20 -- for v1.06 -20/+20 becomes -15/+15 to further reduce glitches). That means the characters won't specifically "hate" (i.e. automatically quit or automatically refuse to be hired) or "love", but they will suffer a morale loss or gain -- and that may eventually cause them to quit or stay. In this way I can keep the morale changes I made, and basically keep the new character interactions without having voice file glitches and abrupt disconnects during the recruitment process (see this thread on The Bear's Pit). There might still be some minor issues related to Buddies/Hateds and voice files but nothing that breaks the game or is aggravatingly glitchy. I had to reverse a few changes that I wanted to make though: drunk Larry Roachburn now continues to hate Flo instead of considering her a buddy as I wanted. Gaston Cavalier and Lt. Stogie Horge also continue to Hate Flo (rejected lovers, perhaps?). Stogie also continues to have Biff Apscott as a buddy instead of a hated (is this another gay relationship? It is entirely out of character for both of them, in my opinion), and John Kulba has his buddies and hateds revert back to the originals. Otherwise, the only changes were to remove the new Hateds & Buddies (while keeping the morale penalties and bonuses). In this way I can include this major tweak while I work on a way to fix the glitches for a future version. This 'fix' is easy enough to rationalize -- these are mercenaries, the money is more important to them at the start than any dislike of the people they will be working with, though over time they decide otherwise (of course, they've gotten some money by then . . .)

Back to the regularly scheduled program . . .

Some of the changes I instituted in this file will enable some of the "useless" characters to be less useless. I consider that a Good Thing (tm), as I am of the opinion that no game resource should be wasted -- and "throw-away" characters are a definite waste of scarce and valuable resources.

This tweak will certainly change how teams of mercenaries are put together. For that reason I might make this an optional feature -- I'll have to see how it all play-tests once it is done. That it might be controversial doesn't bother me. The ability to tweak this in itself begs for it to be tweaked. That said, I do not pretend to be an expert on the intended character relationships the designers thought of when they created the characters. All I can do is tweak the relationships as objectively as possible based on their biographies, series histories and in-game personas.

This tweak is about the defining qualities of Nationality, Hated Nationality, Race, Racism, Sexism, Refinement, Appearance, Care Levels, Buddies and Hateds. As noted in the relevant threads on the Forums, all of these qualities were included in the original game but mostly not implemented. What was implemented was not implemented fully -- and even then, most of that was implemented by the modder Headrock in Headrock's Assorted Mods, and by Flugente in the ongoing v1.13 Mod. Some of what was originally implemented doesn't quite make sense, and yet most modders have been loathe to change anything the original designers have done. I don't have that kind of reverence for anyone, not even myself. I will try to add some depth to all of it, and correct what doesn't make sense, regardless of who did what before me. That's just the way I am, yo. You are also free to change whatever I do however you like.

One important thing to note about the labels given to some of these aspects is that they sometimes do not indicate the general accepted definition of the word. The values for Sexism are a good example. The ratings go 0=Not, 1=Somewhat, 2=Very, 3=Gentleman. By that scale "Gentleman" is actually "Extremely", and so does not indicate a respect for women but rather a demand that women "know their place" -- and that place is not on the battlefield. Consider "Gentleman" to mean the character hides their extreme sexism against women in accepted higher class behaviour that dictates women wear dresses, take care of children, don't play with guns, and let men make all the decisions. As well, other aspects of the character sometimes must be taken into consideration in order to determine exactly what this particular character's brand of sexism actually is.

Another aspect to consider is that v1.13 brought many characters back from the 'dead' and in from other mods, and so some obvious relationship connections were not included in the original series of games, mods, or in v1.13 because the characters never met. However, in Arulco Vacations they are all here and it is assumed that they all have at least met each other at A.I.M. or M.E.R.C. trainings, meetings and/or functions, if not on other assignments together. See MercOpinions for more on this aspect.

Also, "Sociable" and "Loner" do not automatically mean what you might think. Rather they indicate the environment within which a character performs best on the battlefield. A "Loner" performs better when left to their own devices without others around. "Sociable" indicates the character performs better in a team. These qualities are not necessarily about how they interact socially, though sometimes it is. Other aspects of the character have to be known to make these distinctions.

"Care Level" can be confusing as it can mean different things for different characters. It could mean the character intentionally is that way, or it could mean the character is aware of being that way and it is a source of concern, or even that the character is that way and doesn't care in the normal sense. Each character will have to be assessed individually depending on other aspects of the character's personality.

"Good Guy" is another label that can be confusing. Here it means only that the character will not kill a member of their own team, and that the civilian population will excuse some unintentional collateral damage (i.e. civilian deaths). The vast majority of characters in the series are not Good Guys as defined above. Generally, I will only note when they are Good Guys.

As well, "Buddy" and "Hated" do not always mean what they seem to indicate. On their own they define whether or not a character wants to work with another character. Other factors can (and usually do) push that definition into true buddy or hated types of relationships, but sometimes it simply means they will or will not work together -- and does not indicate their social interaction. Of course, if a character will not work with another then it also stands to reason they won't be on exactly fantastic friendly terms elsewhere either. On the other hand, a character may want to work with another, but not socialize with them. And then we have characters  who when hating truly hate to the point of murder . . .

Mutual and non-mutual Buddies and Hateds are noted only for convenience. If mutual Buddies it simply means you can keep both Characters happy with this combination. If non-mutual Buddies it only means one of the characters is happier, but does not mean the other is unhappy. The same in reverse for mutual and non-mutual Hateds.

Remember that there are always exceptions to everything, and Jagged Alliance characters are a collection of stereotypes and exceptions

Perhaps the most important attributes in-game here are the Buddy and Hated relationships. These two have a very large impact on whether or not a mercenary will hire out to you, whether or not they will renew their contract with you, and these values also modify Morale and Reputation effects. You can read more about that in Headrock's How-To Series at Jagged Alliance Galaxy or the JA2 v1.13 Wiki. Suffice it to say here that if a Merc has a Buddy in Arulco then that Merc will hire out to you and renew their contract with you regardless of almost anything else.

I can list up to 5 individuals a character "Hates", 1 individual they Learn To Hate, 5 individuals a character can be a "Buddy" to, and 1 individual they can Learn to Like . . . and as I do the necessary research I will list those individuals on this page. Necessarily it will happen piecemeal as I get ever deeper into character relationships -- so stay tuned to each entry as there will probably be much editing along the way. Of course, not all the slots have to be filled -- only obvious or game-enhancing changes need to be made here. Don't hesitate to help me out by leaving comments. I can definitely use the help here.

A "bug" in this file is also corrected, wherein the original SirTech file prevented characters from performing certain dialogue options by having a value of zero in certain ApproachFactor attributes.Everyone now has the ability to initiate all dialogue options -- which includes such things as interrogating prisoners, for example.

One downside to all this is that it means taking extra care in watching the morale levels of the characters -- because there are no vocalizations for the new relationships. However, you have this page here which defines every Buddy & Hated relationship for every character. That is more information than we had readily available anywhere before this. We just have to consider that, just as in real life, people don't always tell you why they quit or never will quit -- they just up and leave, or hang around forever.

One last note: when I list a parenthetical "originally" it means "originally previous to the new Skills & Traits".

First off is Keith "Blood" Hanson. We know he's South African by his bio, but he's listed as being American and hating South Africans. Now, perhaps that is because the original designers considered South Africans to be White and didn't know what to do with a Black South African . . .very strange as the ANC was the ruling party in 1999 when JA2 was released. So right off the bat I changed Blood's Nationality to South African, and his Hated Nationality to African at a Care Level of 2 (Very). There is no designation for Afrikaner in the game. I was going to change it to Dutch, as that is the historical, heritage and religious nationality for the Afrikaner, the ruling White class in old, apartheid South Africa, along with some German & French genetic influence. But as there are some Dutch characters, and there is no such Nationality as "African", and as Afrikaner means African in Dutch -- well, there you go! I also upped his Racism from 0 to 1 (None to Some) as a natural consequence of his war against apartheid and the supporters of apartheid worldwide (i.e. White people) while in the African National Congress. His Character Trait of being an Optimist prevents me from making him very racist, but his experiences of apartheid terror most probably have left a permanent PTSD mark upon him. I will also mention that until 2008 the United States officially labelled all ANC members as terrorists -- including Nelson Mandela who will be or is president of South Africa (1994-99) during Arulco Vacations. Blood would be arrested as a terrorist if he entered the USA in this Arulco Vacations time period, or possibly be shot if he encountered any agents from the USA in other countries. He could very well be listed as hating Americans as well, but the game only allows characters to hate one nationality.

Blood is hard-coded to hate Cliff Highball, as you can see above, and already has Cliff on his hated list. Thornton "Bubba" Jones is on Blood's Learn To Hate list, so that spot is taken, and is a good match. As for others, I imagine because of the terrorist label put on him by the USA Blood will have nothing to do with Elroy B. Tolken, who was a CIA agent involved in President Nixon's Watergate Affair. Likewise, since Stephen Rothman has worked for the diamond industry, DeBeers obviously, in South Africa fighting the rebels and oppressing the people, he would be #1 on Blood's hit list, and vice versa. It's strange that these two aren't hard-coded to kill each other when they meet as they were actual battlefield enemies, unlike others who are hard-coded to kill other Mercs if on the same team. Another corporate mercenary and defender of the boss man is Lt. Bud Hellar, who is certainly one Blood would not get along with. On the other hand, Blood probably would Learn To Like, and end up getting along famously with, is Major Spike Scallion. Spike is renown for his heroism in rescuing the villagers of Kampoa -- wherever that is (sounds like Africa, India or Basque, though is probably an imaginary place in an imaginary country). This relationship might take a while to develop, however, because of Spike's gruff personality and constant use of the derogatory "boy". But anyone who risks their life saving ordinary village folk would certainly get a little extra tolerance from a rebel (and Spike is a Good Guy). This kind of relationship is a very real type of incongruous friendship, especially since Blood is an Optimist, and adds a very human depth to both characters. Blood and Earl "Magic" Walker are listed as being mutual Buddies, and that will stay as is. As well, Ice Williams and Greg "Dynamo" Duncan are listed as both Learning To Like Blood -- and they both Hate Bubba like Blood does, and I will extend that dislike to Cliff as well. I am also putting Ice on Blood's Buddy list (see Ice for changes there regarding all this) -- making Blood, Ice and Magic a threeway mutual Buddy team. Carl "Reaper" Sheppards Learns To Like Blood, but as Reaper has so very different a temperament than Blood it ends there.

I unintentionally skipped over Barry Unger . . . so Barry is next. Thinking about Barry has got me realizing just how difficult this tweak is going to be, and how many toes I am going to step on. In vanilla JA2 nobody Hates Barry, and Barry Hates nobody. He is generally a nice guy even if he is overly vocal about his religious beliefs, which should rub some of these Mercs the wrong way just as Reverend Clyde Potter's religious vocalizations do. Barry is noted as being extremely Sexist also, which should indeed cause some problems with some of the women in this game. It is listed that he is Buddies with Ernie "Red" Spragg, probably because Red is a teacher of the same stuff Barry is a student of -- explosives. I will make that sentiment mutual. I will also add Roger "Dyno" Wittman, Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson and Tim "Gumpy" Hillman to his Buddy list (all mutual). MD & Gumpy are freshly out of school just like Barry (Gumpy is also an explosives student) and would naturally gravitate to each other for support. As for Dyno, Barry is a nice guy, and Dyno is a nice guy and an explosives expert. Rev will also go on Barry's Buddy list, and that will be mutual also because of the strong religious foundation both of them have. In his Learn To Like slot will go Graziella "Grace" Girelli (mutual). Doing my research I found that Hungarians, of which Barry is, as a population are overwhelmingly prejudiced against the Roma (not defined in-game), people of colour, Jews, and they really don't care for Americans. As well, Hungarian politicians are not afraid to declare their racism with impunity in public with crass stereotypical comparisons. Being that JA2 characters are themselves stereotypes it is only natural to fit the characters to the general population most times. Therefore, Barry gets one level of Racism for being Hungarian. Though I do not think Barry is the type to actively Hate someone, I have to say that like Rev and so many others, Barry will find Unusually Ruthless Reuben quite offensive. Therefore, Reuben goes on Barry's Hate list.

Next up is Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts. Rudy is listed as a Buddy toward Ice Williams (not mutual), and Hates his recent lover Louisa "Buzz" Garneau (mutual). Lynx also learns to Hate Lesley "Smoke" Petersen after a time. He is Assertive (originally Pessimist), is a Babe, and is somewhat of a Sexist so we can assume Lynx thinks a little too highly of himself -- and explains a bit of the mutual animosity between himself and Buzz. Putting it all together I have to say he rates a change to being a Snob. Since his relationship woes have become the talk of the mercenary world I have to say that most of the other female mercenaries will be wary of Lynx, at the very least. Stella probably would take the hardest stand against Lynx as Stella is a staunch advocate for woman’s rights, and even gets offended when she finds out that she is hired to "kill a sister" (the Queen). Therefore, Lynx & Stella are going to find out after a short while that they don't get along very well at all in Arulco Vacations. And because Stella doesn't like him, neither will Anita "Mouse" Backman very soon thereafter. Mouse is known to be Stella's best buddy, and probably her lover. Yes, we are already getting into quite a tangled mess, eh? I am adding Frank "Hitman" Hennessy and Jim "Cougar" Wallace as mutual Buddies. Also, Peter "Wolf" Sanderson is listed as considering Lynx as a Buddy, and I will make that mutual considering Lynx must by now be appreciative of anyone taking his side in his sordid affairs. Speaking of which, Florence "Flo" Gabriel Learns To Like Lynx . . . and I will put Flo in Lynx's Learn To Like slot also, thereby fanning the flames of the soap opera. Over in his Learn To Hate slot goes Lennart "Scream" Vilde (mutual).

Steve "Grizzly" Bornell. Grizzly is listed as being Primitive, Attractive, and a Slob who cares somewhat about that. He is mutual Buddies with John "Bull" Peters, has a one-sided Buddy relationship with Kyle "Shadow" Simmons, and he Hates Dr. Q. Huaong. Grizzly is listed as somewhat of a Racist and he Hates Chinese very much. He also dislikes traditional medicine -- hence the two-pronged dislike of Dr. Q.. I don't know exactly how to reconcile that with his primitivism . . . but I'll let it pass for now. His file lists that he Learns To Like Peter "Wolf" Sanderson, so that slot is filled. Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski Learns to Like him, as does Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, while Ice Williams has him listed as a Buddy -- but he doesn't return any of those feelings in his vanilla file. The question is: should I establish a bond between all of them? I think it is necessary to increase the friendly bonds as well as the contentious ones in order to keep the Morale system from breaking down. Unfortunately, I can't have him Learn To Like them as there is only room for 1 person there. There is room to make them Buddies, and since Grizzly is supposed to be a well-liked person, despite his racist ignorance toward Chinese people, I will list 3 as Buddies for Grizzly. I will move Wolf to the Buddy list (and make it mutual), add Fox and Ice to the Buddy List, and put Steroid on the Learn To Like list. See Shadow below for more on that relationship. He also has a hard coded dislike of traditional medicine and that will also put Thor Kaufman and Wahan on his Hated list as New Age & Indigenous medicine is traditional medicine in this context as New Age is re-discovering or, in some cases, re-inventing the forgotten ways. That does all come together somewhat nicely as Steroid and Thor should be at odds as well -- because of Steroid's, uh, suspected predisposition to steroid use. Wahan probably wouldn't like the "spirits" surrounding Steroid, so no problems there having them not like each other, and neatly rounds all that out. In fact, it will bring Dr. Q., Thor and Wahan closer together as mutual Buddies, and they will teach each other their different healing modalities.

Victoria "Vicki" Waters is next and we know that her and Glen "Boss" Hatchet get along just fine --  Boss eventually goes to work for Vicki, and they leave the mercenary world behind. Yet in neither file are they listed as Buddies. That changes here, in Arulco Vacations they will be mutual Buddies. Doing the research I find that Jamaica (Vicki's country of origin) and Venezuela (country of origin for Hector Alvarez) have had a special relationship ever since 1815 when Simón Bolivar was exiled to Jamaica. Also, since Vicki is a dedicated, professional mercenary, and Hector's potential is high due to his very good ability scores, I think she would get to like Hector and take him under her wing. So I am putting them both on each other's Learn To Like lists, and moving Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston from Vicki's Learn To Like list to her Buddy list because Vicki is already on Spider's Buddy list -- this making that relationship mutual from the start. Also, Keith "Blood" Hanson becomes a mutual Buddy with Vicki, as Blood is a fellow Optimist. Corporal Len Anderson has Vicki on his Buddy list, and I will make that mutual. Rounding out Vicki I will note that she is listed as being Attractive, a Snob, and somewhat Sexist -- which gets displayed toward Doug "Gasket" Milton, the redneck who has a crush on her and who she Learns To Hate, and Lance Fisher, the resident, cowardly invader of Grenada who is on her Hate List. I am sure that Biff Apscott belongs on her Hate List, as does Lt. Bud Hellar and Elroy B. Tolken. Biff because he is an abject coward and disgrace to the profession, Bud because he is a corporate mercenary and snitch without any moral backbone, and Elroy because he is part of the CIA undercover network that causes so much grief in the Caribbean.

Trevor Colby the Australian gadget master is next. Trevor is listed as being Phlegmatic, Attractive and caring about that somewhat, of Average Refinement and caring about that somewhat, is a Gentleman, and hates Americans somewhat. His file lists Thor Kaufman as Trevor's Learn To Like guy, and Fidel Dahan as a Hated person. I will immediately add Lesley "Smoke" Petersen, Marty "Kaboom" Moffat, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner to the Hated List as being people in Trevor's profession that shouldn't be in Trevor's profession, in Trevor's opinion -- which is the reason I imagine he doesn't like Fidel. Smoke, Kaboom & Skitz are supposed to be deceased by the time Trevor joins A.I.M., which is probably why they are not mentioned in Trevor's file. However, v1.13 has their untimely demises relegated to just matters of wishful thinking that proved false. For the same but opposite reason I will put Colonel Frederick Biggins on Trevor's Buddy list because Biggins has "unique skills with traps and explosives", and that would appeal to Trevor. I'll make it mutual, as well, thinking Biggins would like an understudy. Biggins and Trevor don't have a history together since they don't appear in the same versions of Jagged Alliance. It would be nice to have an actual list for Learn To Like instead of a single slot. We'll just have to imagine they both hit it off right from the start. Same goes with Ernie "Red" Spragg -- going in a Buddy slot, that is, as both are very good at what they do, explosives. Earl "Magic" Walker, who has a legendary expertise with locks that would definitely pique Trevor's interest, and Vincenzo "Vinnie" Massimo, the man who can 'fix' anything and who always has an offer you can't refuse, are both now mutual buddies with Trevor (and each other) -- even though both are American there are obvious extenuating circumstances. Lastly, Sheila "Scope" Sterling is now a mutual Buddy also, having impressed Trevor with her SAS-trained abilities.

Helmut "Grunty" Grunther is an Optimist, is a Gentleman, and is German -- otherwise he is not exceptional in any of the aspects we are considering here. He is mutual Buddies with Ivan Dolvich and learns to like Monica "Buns" Sondergaard. Igor Dolvich has him listed as a Buddy, as does Frank "Hitman" Hennessy. I took a while to think about this one, and decided to have Grunty like them back. That will give Hitman his first mutual Buddy, and Igor his first mutual Buddy aside from his uncle, Ivan. As well, Dr. Michael Dawson and Alan "Spam" Webster are going on Grunty's (mutual) Buddy list (and each other's as well) as they are other optimists -- optimism is contagious, especially among optimists. I don't think Buns is going to like Grunty back, however, as it would be very human of her not to like the only person in all of Merc-dom that actually adores her. Her reason? Grunty is a Gentleman, and therefore not 'man enough' -- even though Grunty is a fearless and well-trained bodyguard.

Ivan Dolvich . . . he has 2 Buddies, his nephew, Igor, and Grunty, Hates Unusually Ruthless Reuben, and Learns To Hate Thorton "Bubba" Jones. He is listed as being Aggressive, otherwise he is completely vanilla -- meaning he hasn't been given any inclinations as to the personality aspects being tweaked. However, I do imagine he does need a little tweak here. Being a Red Army Major, a killing machine, and this being the 1990's when the U.S.S.R. dissolved I would think all the Soviets in-game would have a profound dislike for the U.S. of A.. Therefore, Ivan, and all "Red Army" mercs, will get America as a Hated Nationality at Care Level 2 (very). The whole idea of these Red Army (Soviet) officers getting chummy with American mercs (& vice versa), and the only indication of any 50+ year propaganda and cold war between the U.S.A. & U.S.S.R. is that a couple American redneck Mercs have a dislike of a couple Russians is really wishful thinking. Get over it. There would be great animosity between all American Mercs and all Soviet Mercs, generally speaking. In fact, there still is the drumbeat of war toward the Russians here in the U.S.A. to this day. Further to that, the CIA agent merc, Elroy B. Tolken, is going on Ivan's Hated list. Also, Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski is joining Elroy on that list because of Steroid's Hatreds as detailed next. Of course, the Russian-hating redneck Doug "Gasket" Milton is now a mutual on the Hated list, as is Unusually Ruthless Reuben.

Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski . . . is mentioned above, is Primitive (originally a Big Shot) and he is listed as hating Igor & Ivan because they are Soviet/Russian, and I will extend that automatic Hate to Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, and a Learn To Hate to Igmus "Iggy" Palkov. His file does indeed list Russian as his Hated Nationality, so this tweak is just putting the finishing touches on what was already done. Steroid is also listed as being Attractive and is extreme in his attention to his looks. He is also listed as somewhat of a Sexist, and really should be considered full of himself -- a Snob, in other words, in keeping with his original Big Shot mentality. His in-game persona along with everything else warrants a Snob level of at least 1, so that's what he gets. I have added Carl "It" Goodman (mutual) to Steroid's Buddy list, as both have the mutual interest of bodybuilding, and It is enamoured with Steroid's occupation as a firefighter which supports Steroid's inflated ego. Also going on Steroid's Buddy list are Gary Roachburn (mutual) and Thornton "Bubba" Jones (not mutual).

Igor Dolvich . . . straight off, his Hated Nationality is modified to be American at Level 2, the same as Ivan Dolvitch -- his uncle, role-model and hero. He is listed as being Dauntless, and his Buddies are Ivan and Helmut "Grunty" Grunther, and he has no listed Hates . . . however . . . Elroy B. Tolken and Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski are going on Igor's Hated list for the same reasons they went on Ivan's. Igor drinks a lot, so he probably will get along just fine with his new Buddy Drunk Larry, but not Recovering Larry (Hated). His drinking will also endear him to Kirk "Static" Stevenson, and so these two drinking buddies will become mutual Buddies. Igor also gets Doug "Gasket" Milton on his mutual Hated list, primarily for Gasket's hatred of Russians -- and the same goes for Unusually Ruthless Reuben in his Learn To Hate slot.

Kyle "Shadow" Simmons . . . ex-U.S.A. Army Ranger already hates Russians, so the tweak to the Russians above is entirely reasonable within past guidelines. He doesn't have any individuals listed as being Hated or Buddies -- which fits his status as a self-absorbed Loner. He generally doesn't interact with anyone enough to be an easy Buddy match, or to Hate them individually. In fact, from his in-game comments as he talks to himself, and his unwillingness to share, it is clear he doesn't think much of most everyone except himself. Therefore, he gets 1 Level of Snob. As well, his fanatical preoccupation with camo indicates an Appearance Care Level of Extreme, which I will add. Note that Miguel Cordona does Learn To Like Shadow . . . but I don't think Shadow will return the favour, not caring one way or the other as this Arulco job is just that -- only a job to him. However, Carl "Reaper" Sheppards has Shadow listed as a Buddy . . . and as they are very close to two of a kind I will make it mutual, a very ominous relationship that one. Grizzly also has Shadow on his Buddy list, but Grizzly is too sociable for the likes of Shadow, I think, so it will remain a one-sided situation. Undoubtedly, they would get along when alone . . . but that level of interaction isn't possible to define in-game. However, not Hating Grizzly is close to that . . . sort of. I am making Shadow and Major Spike Scallion, another ex-Ranger, mutual Buddies, and including Gus Tarballs and Johnny "Snake" Edwards, as both are Loners and are compatible to different aspects of Shadow's personality.

Ernie "Red" Spragg . . .  is listed as being Nervous (originally Pessimist), Hating Buns, hates Danes somewhat (which Buns is), is very Sexist, and is Homely, but doesn't care a whit about that.  Barry Unger likes Red, and I will put Barry in one of Red's Buddy slots, as Barry is generally a nice guy outside of his national prejudices, and they probably will get along well in a teacher-student type of role. I am also adding Walter "Wally" Yuntz and Howard "Carp" Melfield to his Buddy list as fellow Scotsmen. Otherwise, Red is a high strung individual and probably not very easy to get along with -- especially regarding those in his chosen profession who are sloppy, like Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Marty "Kaboom" Moffat and Lesley "Smoke" Petersen, or malcontents, like Fidel Dahan. On the other hand, Devin O'Connell likes Red, while Graziella "Grace" Girelli does not. Devin will go into the Learn to Like Slot, while Skitz, Kaboom & Smoke will all go in Hated slots along with Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel, and Grace in his Learn To Hate slot. I imagine Red would not have any patience with incompetents (Skitz & Kaboom), dissidents (Fidel), practical jokers (Smoke) or with women (Grace) who are in a field where they don't belong (explosives). On the other hand, Russel "Rusty" Hunter is generally considered the sanest explosives expert in-game, and so he and Red are now mutual Buddies. Now Red will have more depth to go along with his nature of being an easily excitable hothead who goes off on pessimistic rants. To round it out, I think Red would be impressed with Trevor, and so Trevor goes in one of his Buddy slots making that a new mutual relationship.

Carl "Reaper" Sheppards . . . is a Loner, and aside from that is listed for only three things: Kyle "Shadow" Simmons as a Buddy (as noted above), a Learn To Like for Blood, and a Learn To Hate disposition toward Tim "Numb" Sutton. Reaper is a difficult one. He is Hated by Buns, but then Buns hates more people than anybody else in this game so is not a very good basis for evaluating Reaper. Janno "Brain" Allik Learns To Hate Reaper (now mutual), but Reaper seems to escape everybody else's Hated list -- perhaps because he scares them too much. He is definitely someone who is just this side of criminally insane. I can probably fill his Hated list with Mercs who did not meet him in the commercial series -- as he doesn't arrive until JA2. His reasons for disliking Numb would most probably extend to Bruce "Skitz" Bonner & Unusually Ruthless Reuben, without question. I don't imagine he would let Brain's hatred of him go un-returned either. Therefore I'll add Skitz & Reuben to his Hated list, move Numb over to the Hated list, and put Brain in the now vacant Learn To Hate slot. I am putting Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, Johnny "Snake" Edwards, Gregory "Spooky" Block, and Mike on his mutual Buddy list as other persons who like to work alone with similar outlooks as Reaper.

Fidel Dahan . . . is Aggressive (originally also Aggressive), is Psycho, is Homely, is a Slob, is very Sexist, is Hated by Igmus "Iggy" Palkov, Trevor Colby, and now also by Ernie "Red" Spragg, Hates Hurl E. Cutter, Learns To Hate Florence Gabriel, is Buddies with Bill "Razor" Lamont (mutual) and Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon (mutual for Arulco Vacations), and Learns To Like Frankie "Haywire" Gordon (also a Psycho) (mutual for Arulco Vacations). I will add Monica "Buns" Sondergaard to the list of characters who Hate Fidel -- as she detests Slobs, and in-your-face types like Fidel I imagine she really can't stand. However, I also think Fidel would not give a whit what she thinks, and her dislike of him wouldn't affect him in the least. Fidel is liked by Henning von Branitz, and I will make that mutual. I am also making Bruce "Skitz" Bonner a mutual Buddy in mad bombing.

Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman . . .Fox has Peter "Wolf" Sanderson listed as a Buddy, Steve "Grizzly" Bornell listed as her Learn To Like, Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski and Murray "Pops" McGillicutty listed as Hated, and Frankie "Haywire" Gordon listed as her Learn To Hate. She is also listed as a Babe and as somewhat of a Snob, and incidentally her original attitude was Pessimist -- but that was replaced by Show-Off. Wolf is a mutual Buddy, and now in Arulco Vacations so is Grizzly also. She is listed as a Buddy by Kevin "Maddog" Cameron, J.P. "La Malice" Viau, Gaston Cavalier, Tex Colburn, Murray "Pops" McGillicutty, and Edgar "Nails" Smorth. She is Hated by Monica "Buns" Sondergaard, Dr. Laura Colin, Walter Yuntz, and Anita "Mouse" Backman. Of all of those I think Gaston would pique her curiosity and satisfy her Show-Off Snobbishness, so I am moving Grizzly to the Buddy list (she calls him her "teddy bear") and replacing him in the Learn To Like slot with Gaston. Gaston's only appearance outside of v1.13 was in JA2:Unfinished Business, so there is not that much of a history between them. Tex also becomes a mutual Buddy as I think she would find Tex amusing, and, of course, learn a bit about two-gun slinging from him. I am putting Fox in Earl "Magic" Walker's Learn To Like slot, and he goes on Fox's Buddy list because he has enough of a mystique about him that I think she would be intrigued by him. The rest, well, eat your heart out, boys! She Hates Haywire because he's creepy-scary, even though he doesn't take an interest in her, so she definitely would Hate Maddog who does take an interest in her and is a lot further off the creepy-scary end than Haywire is. Therefore, I'll put Haywire on the Hated list and replace him in the Learn To Hate slot with Maddog. In the same vein, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner & Unusually Ruthless Reuben are even further off the creepy-scary end than Maddog, and they are being put on her Hated list also. That fills up her Hated lists. She still has room on her Buddy list, but being a Snob she would still have room on that one -- though I think as I move along I will find another match or two.

Sidney Nettleson . . . Sidney has Sheila "Scope" Sterling as a mutual Buddy, Stephen Rothman as his Learn To Like, Frankie "Haywire" Gordon as his Learn To Hate, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner has Hated. A quick movement of Haywire to Hated, an addition of Unusually Ruthless Reuben to Hated, and an insertion of Kevin "Maddog" Cameron to his Learn To Hate slot is eminently justified because of prior similar tweaks. Sidney also Hates Australians, is Attractive and cares about his appearance, is a Good Guy, and is an extreme Snob. He is an Optimist, which fits his 1%er mentality in a classist way. He is noted as being Hated by Tim "Numb" Sutton and Janno "Brain" Allik. His dislike of Australians, and obviously of the 'lower classes' means Trevor Colby will go straight to his Hated List. The traditional animosity between the upper crusts of Britain and France prevent me from making Gaston Cavalier a Buddy even though the two are cut from nearly the same cloth, persona-wise. On the other hand, after Colonel Frederick Biggins switches sides in JA2:Unfinished Business (his only appearance outside v1.13) I imagine he and Sidney would get along quite well -- so Biggins and Sidney become mutual Buddies.

Gus Tarballs . . . Who doesn't like Gus Tarballs? Nobody. Who likes Gus? Nobody. Things that make you go hmm. Who does Gus Hate? He Learns To Hate Florence "Flo" Gabriel, but nobody else is listed. Who does Gus consider a Buddy? Corporal Len Anderson, and he Learns To like Robert James "Scully" Sullivan. Aside from Corporal Anderson, the other two are very odd choices -- even ignoring the fact that neither returns his sentiments. Why bother hating Flo, and why Buddy up to Scully? Sure, Flo isn't cut out for the mercenary racket, but she is the pinup girl for M.E.R.C., and that would put her near the top of Scully's go-to list -- the dog that he is. And that's the point about Scully -- he has no discipline, is not military-minded, and can't be depended on (the opposite of Corporal Anderson and Gus). Yes, Scully is extraordinarily gifted in the physical abilities that a good mercenary needs and has a long track record of success as a mercenary, but his mental and emotional outlook is decidedly the opposite of what Gus considers important. In fact, in JA:Deadly Games, Peter "Wolf" Sanderson refers to Gus as a "real military hardnose". On top of all that, in previous versions of JA Gus does not like Mike, while Mike is still a mutual Buddy to Scully and an enemy working for the Queen in JA2. That makes Scully very suspect, doesn't it? It all seems way too convoluted to be left as is. So, first off, Mike goes back on Gus' Hate list, Scully will keep Mike as a mutual Buddy and lose the respect of Gus. Replacing Scully on the Buddy list will be a real military-type in keeping with Wolf's assessment of Gus. Remembering that Gus is a Loner, and his Hated nationality is French (so stereotypical), a good match for him is Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten -- another sociable loner, extremely brave and heroic, a military man, and a medic (a profession Gus is getting more and more in need of). I will make Danny and Gus mutual buddies, and add Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel to his (mutual) Buddy list also. Why? Because Stella is a no-nonsense professional soldier, a medic, about the same age, and a dedicated and brave mercenary who, like Gus, is a strong believer in fighting for a just cause (the reason he Hates Mike). There would be a lot of mutual respect there. Also going on his Buddy list are Kyle "Shadow" Simmons (mutual) and Carlos Dasouza (not mutual), both Loners like Gus. As for Flo . . . if Gus Hates Flo then he really needs to Hate Biff, Lance, Raffi, Skitz, Reuben and a host of other M.E.R.C. flops ahead of her, so Flo is getting removed from his Hated list as being far enough beneath notice that he doesn't need to waste emotional baggage on her.

Monica "Buns" Sondergaard . . .Players seem to forgive Buns her hatred of everybody simply because of her nickname. I'd be willing to bet that if you called her by her nickname to her face she'd put a bullet dead in your third eye, and afterwards tell you why. For the record, she is listed as being Assertive (was Big Shot originally), Attractive and cares about her looks, a Snob and cares about class distinctions, is somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, Hates Carl "Reaper" Sheppards and Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, Learns To Hate Tim "Gumpy" Hillman, and Learns To Like Sidney Nettleson. Buns expresses the fact in-game that she can't stand a "disgusting slob", and we also know she can't stand "swimsuit models" like Fox who are better looking than she is. It is obvious that Buns considers herself better than everyone else, and she has some foundation to think that -- being that she extraordinarily skilled and has high ability scores. However, it also has made her some enemies. Hating her are Earl "Magic" Walker and Ernie "Red" Spragg, while Learning To Hate her are Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, and Devin Connell (and more I haven't caught yet, I'm sure). That's a wide spread of different types of people there that don't like Buns, and are themselves quite competent mercenaries. I am going to add Major Spike Scallion and Jack "Postie" Durham to the list of people who Learn To Hate & Hate her, respectively, as they never met her before in any of the series and I don't think they would stand for her attitude at all. As for her own Hated list . . . with only 3 spots open it is quite a competition as to who will occupy them. Tim "Numb" Sutton is definitely one she would not like, Robert James "Scully" Sullivan is the male counterpart of Fox and therefore is an automatic Hate, and lastly I have to go with Unusually Ruthless Reuben for obvious reasons (all mutual).There are probably more that she would Hate but there is no room for more. On the other hand her file lists nobody as her Buddy. While doing Louisa "Buzz" Garneau I realized the two of them will indeed become fast friends in mutual anger at the world. They also have other similarities, notably their Care Levels for Appearance and Refinement. So Buns gets a Buddy! But it doesn't stop there because I am also adding Norma "Meltdown" Jessop as her mutual Buddy for the same reasons as Buzz. Not only will Buns be able to express her own fiery anger with theirs, she can also remain aloof in her own mind that she is better than them. Oh, strangely enough, Buns is a Good Guy.

Ice Williams . . . Ice is listed as being Attractive, a Slob, Sociable, and hating South Africans. First off -- the South African bit. See Blood above. South Africa, in case Sir-Tech designers did not realize, is mostly populated by Black people, and Nelson Mandela of the ANC was president when JA2 was released. What they meant was Afrikaner. There is no designation for Afrikaner, so I am replacing South African with African, as explained above. Anyway . . . Ice is Buddies with Earl "Magic" Walker, Keith "Blood" Hanson and Steve "Grizzly" Bornell. He Learns To Like Greg "Dynamo" Duncan, and he Learns To hate Thorton "Bubba" Jones. He is not listed as Hating anybody outright, but I will put Dr. Clifford Highball on that list -- as he is African/Afrikaner, and hated by his Buddy Blood, and the reason the Hated nationality was defined in the first place. As Ice is a Sociable (originally Friendly) type, and a Good Guy, I will not add a level of Racism to his profile, nor add any other person to his Hated list. I will, however, add Reverend Clyde "Rev" Potter and Victoria "Vicki" Waters to his Buddy list, the Rev as a mutual, and that fills his Buddy list up.

Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston . . .Spider is listed as Sociable (originally Friendly), Attractive and cares a bit about that, somewhat of a Sexist, is a Good Guy, is mutual Buddies with both Kirk "Static" Stevenson and Victoria "Vicki" Waters, Learns To Like Charlene "Raven" Higgins, and Learns To Hate Monica "Buns" Sondergaard. She has nobody on her automatic Hate list. However, she is a late-comer to the series, having appeared first and only in JA2 so that may account for the scarcity of entries. She is not the kind of person to make enemies easily, and even takes a relatively long time Learning To Hate Buns. That takes extraordinary patience. I am putting Mary Beth Wilkins on her mutual Buddy list, as Beth is a likeable sort who probably would have gotten along with Spider well had Beth lived through to JA2. Another good match is Graziella "Grace" Girelli, a capable young woman who undoubtedly would have impressed Spider had Grace appeared in JA2, and Spider would have impressed Grace -- so the Buddy thing is mutual. Also, Captain Bob Adams seems to be the sort of guy Spider might take a fancy to, so they are now mutual Buddies. Bob, like Beth, did not quite make it alive to JA2 until v1.13 came along. I am also adding Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan to her Buddy list as a mutual. On the other hand, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins and Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon, all of whom did not make it to JA2, would seem to rise Spider's ire in one fashion or another after she got to know them. Therefore they all go on her Hated list.

Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball . . . OK, here we have the center of the South African Debacle. First off his Nationality will be changed to African, which as noted above is standing in for Afrikaner. He is listed as being very Sexist, somewhat Racist, of Average Appearance and Cares about that, Hates Americans, is Malicious (was Arrogant originally), is mutual Buddies with Dr. Eli Summers, and Hates Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon. It is also mentioned in his bio that he has a drinking problem, is supposedly in recovery (but is not), and considers money his prime motivator. He is not a nice guy, in other words -- and, no, he's not a Good Guy. Second thing to do to his file is up his Racism another level. There is also no reason to believe he wouldn't Hate Blood considering his whole personality here includes no indication at all that he is a peacemaker. Therefore Blood goes on his Hated list, as does Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim (who is American and Black), Gregory "Spooky" Block (who is Black, American, and scary), and Victoria "Vicki" Waters (who is Black and a strong woman) -- and they will all be mutual. That leaves only his Learn To Hate slot open, which will immediately be filled (mutually) by Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel (who is American and a strong woman). While the Hated Nationality of American probably was to stand in for Black South African, having his Racism level upped covers that, but I will leave the Hated Nationality as American because that covers a lot more people Cliff would not get along with who cannot be fit on his Hated list.

John "Bull" Peters . . . Bull is the non-racist, non-sexist counterpart of Thorton "Bubba" Jones -- meaning, Bull just doesn't care about any insignificant particulars like race or sex or nationality, he'll break your neck regardless. His file lists him as Homely, a Slob, Aggressive (originally Aggressive also), and Irish. However, his bio states he was a U.S. Army M.P., and he sounds distinctly American. So, he's Irish-American . . . but obviously more American than Irish. However, I guess we can say he recently emigrated to Ireland after getting out of the U.S. Army brig for the last time. Yeah, that works. I am putting Devin Connell on his Learn To Like slot (mutually) as Devin is Irish, homely and a slob just like Bull. Micky O'Brien, on the other hand, remains off his Like list just as Micky is off Devin's list. Micky might also be homely and a slob (did the designers not like the Irish?) like Bull & Devin, but Micky is also a shyster, which Bull & Devin are not. A note here: Devin's Learn To Like slot is already filled, so Bull goes in one of his Buddy slots. As well, Edgar "Nails" Smorth moves into Bull's Buddy list from the Learn To Like slot to make room for Devin. Bull has only a Learn To Hate defined, and no Hateds -- that person is Biff Apscott. However, it seems obvious that Bull Hates cowards, and so I will populate his Hated list with who he did not meet in the JA series, but have been resurrected and re-enlisted in v1.13. That includes Lance Fisher, Hurl E. Cutter, Speck T. Kline, and Gary Roachburn (mutual for Gary). As well, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, a S.W.A.T. sniper has taken a dislike to him, and he returns it so she is on his Hated list also. On the other hand, I will put Lieutenant "Stogie" Horge, Glenn "Boss" Hatchet, Luc "Lucky" Fabre, and Patrick "Screw" Phillips on his Buddy list to join Nails -- all mutual. There we have a strongarm gang.

Frank "Hitman" Hennessy . . . Hitman seems to be one of the more popular mercenaries of the series, but he doesn't get that kind of treatment in his file. He is listed as being Sociable, has Helmut "Grunty" Grunther as a Buddy (now mutual), Learns To Like Charlene "Raven" Higgens (not mutual), and Hates Jimmy Upton, and Learns To Hate Ron "Raider" Higgens (both mutual). He is not listed as a Sexist or Racist, nor a Slob or a Snob. We know from in-game that he doesn't have to learn to Like Raven, he does from the get-go. He also doesn't have to learn to Hate Raider, her husband, he hates him from the start as well. I have to say that his vehement hatred of Jimmy is a bit snobbish, considering Hitman is an assassin. And his meddling in a married couple's business is a bit sociopathic, not sociable. Be that as it may, he deserves a few more Buddies, and maybe a few more Hateds along the way as well. First off let's continue his trend of getting in the middle by putting Mary Beth Wilkins on his Buddy list (not mutual), and Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo, her movie date, on his Hated list (mutual). Beth is a good-looking, young woman with potential, which evidently would interest Hitman, and Vinny is a mobster with a lot in common with Jimmy, who obviously aggravates Hitman to no end. Then there is the soap opera romance and breakup everybody in the mercenary world is talking about -- of course I speak of Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts and Louisa "Buzz" Garneau. Hitman's file may not define him as a sexist, but his in-game persona definitely is (so he gets 1 level of Sexism, yo) -- and that will put him on Lynx's side in this, making Lynx a Buddy (mutual) and putting Buzz on his Hated list (mutual). Hitman's 'sociability' is of the sort that he has something to say about everything, and often it is something inappropriately appropriate. He wouldn't be able to stay out of that affair. I imagine he also would not be able to stay quiet about Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, or a host of others, but with those two that fills his Hated list (all one-sided) with the worst of the lot. On the other side, I think he would appreciate Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman and Peter "Wolf" Sanderson (both mutual) -- giving him a pass on that Lynx-Buzz relationship because Fox plays the field and Wolf is a lot like Hitman in some aspects, and has taken Lynx's side in all of that. Finally, filling out his Buddy list will be Graziella "Grace" Girelli, another woman for Hitman to hit upon, and one that he shares an interest with: knives. That one will be mutual, and he can use this relationship to practice for his future teaching assignments.

Louisa "Buzz" Garneau . . . The other half of the Jagged Alliance Soap Opera along with Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts. A very capable mercenary in her own right with varied and valuable talents, but also carrying some extra-heavy baggage . . . which is not unusual in this game. She is listed as being Psycho (originally Aggressive), of Average Appearance & Refinement and caring a lot about that, and Hates Arulcans a lot as well. She is Hated by Miguel Cordona, Dr. Laura Colin, and, of course, Lynx. Now also Hating her is Frank "Hitman" Hennessy, as detailed above. Thornton "Bubba" Jones has her on his Buddy list, but of course that is not returned. She has nobody defined on her Buddy list, but that is about to change. There are some people who would take her side against Lynx, and who would also appreciate her for her talents, and, dare I say, her unique personality. First among them would be Norma "Meltdown" Jessop and Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel; both are strong, independent women who take no guff from any man. Next comes the woman who has a vendetta against most other Mercs, Monica "Buns" Sondergaard. Buns' anger coalesces perfectly with Buzz's anger, and when the two of them hit the battlefield I don't want to be on the other side, especially if Meltdown is with them. I had to think long and hard about this next one, but her comment when she kills someone clinches it for me: "Hope it hurt." Yes, Victoria "Vicki" Waters. Vicki is out to prove she's a professional, no excuses, watch out, yo. Even though she hangs with Glenn "Boss" Hatchet that wouldn't stop her from being a Buddy and supporting Buzz in her time of need. She also provides a razor sharp edge to what is already a dangerous team. Last comes Graziella "Grace" Grisella. Yes, Grace has her own agenda and anger towards men, and would find a convenient outlet for that with Buzz and the rest of the women here. All of the above are mutual. One more that isn't, is Anita "Mouse" Backman -- she will have Buzz as a Buddy simply because her close friend Stella does, and because she is attracted by her opposite in personality. Buzz, however, does not quite feel the same way but will Learn To Like Mouse. There are a few men who probably would be attracted to Buzz besides Bubba, such as Jack "Postie" Durham and Unusually Ruthless Reuben . . . but that attraction, like with Bubba, would not be returned. A note on Buzz's Background -- I noticed that in v1.03 I neglected to fully modify her Background to include Veteran Mercenary, which she most certainly is. So in v1.04 she will have those modifiers added to her Background. Also, while synchronizing MercProfiles.XML with MercOpinions.XML I added Ron "Raider" Higgens to Buzz's Learn To Hate slot . . . for two reasons: Raider is "a pinhead" and he is the only husband in this Merc World.

Ron "Raider" Higgens . . . Raider's file defines these values: he is a mutual Buddy to his wife, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, he is Homely but does not care, is a Good Guy, and he Learns To Hate Frank "Hitman" Hennessy. Also, I previously modified his Character Trait to be Malicious. You can find the details on that change over at the Mercenaries page. He actually should be full of Buddies and Hateds as he is a cop, and there are other cops of his temperament in-game, and there are criminals who don't like cops in-game. First off on his Buddy list I will include Herman "Turtle" Regents, a detective and probation officer from Chicago who has also had extensive (military?) experience in North Africa. Next is Thornton "Bubba" Jones, a prison guard from Alabama who probably exemplifies Raider's sense of (in)justice. Elroy B. Tolken, a CIA agent, is another who would gravitate to Raider. Even though Elroy was caught up in the Watergate Scandal during the Nixon Administration all that was water under the bridge by the time of Arulco Vacations. The last new automatic Buddy for Raider is Rudolf Steiger, a member of the GSG9, the German counterpart to American S.W.A.T. units. Lastly, as a Learn To Like, Edward "Ears" Stockwell, a secretive surveillance expert who may or may not be directly connected with law enforcement or the government, but certainly has worked with both at times. All of these additions are mutual, as well as the following people who are added to Raider's Hated list. Jimmy Upton & Earl "Magic" Walker, both professional thieves, Vincenzo "Vinnie" Massimo, Mobster, Unusually Ruthless Reuben, a serial killer, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, a mad bomber.

Charlene "Raven" Higgens . . . Raven is a S.W.A.T. Sniper from the same team as her husband, Ron "Raider" Higgens. Her file defines 1 Buddy for her, her husband, and also Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston as the person she Learns To Like (mutual). Otherwise she is of Average Appearance and is not Racist, Sexist or Hates any Nationality, and is a Good Guy. The additions I made to Raven's file are very similar to Raider's -- not because they are married, but because they come from the same background, the same police department and the same S.W.A.T. unit. She also got the Trait of Malicious for the same reasons as Raider did. For Buddies she gets Herman "Turtle" Regents, Elroy B. Tolken & Rudolf Steiger (all mutual) just like Raider. However, instead of Thornton "Bubba" Jones she Buddies up with Dr. Laura Colin (mutual). On her Hated list are Unusually Ruthless Reuben, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner (both mutual) just like Raider, but as a sniper she is interested in more violent types for targets so the others on her list are Bill "Razor" Lamont, Edgar "Nails" Smorth, & John "Bull" Peters (all mutual), and she Learns To Hate Jack "Postie" Durham (mutual).

Kirk "Static" Stevenson . . .First off, like Buzz, I neglected to add Veteran Mercenary to Static's v1.03 Background, as he is more than just part of the Backstage Crew for the Grateful Dead -- fixed for v1.04. Static is Sociable, is a Gentleman, not Racist, is a Slob, and Hates the Swiss a little. He has Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston and drunk Larry Roachburn listed as Buddies, while he Hates sober Larry Roachburn and Stephen Rothman, and Learns To Hate Bill "Razor" Lamont. As mentioned above, Static will now be a mutual drinking Buddy with Igor Dolvich. As well, Doug "Gasket" Milton and Tim "Numb" Sutton are now members of that drinking circle also. Marty "Kaboom" Moffatt goes into Static's Learn To Like slot, as Kaboom likes to party also . . . and is always good for a laugh. If that seems like a very weird bunch then you have never been backstage at a Grateful Dead concert! All of the new additions are mutual. As for his Hated list, I think the Reverend Clyde "Rev" Potter's insistence on religiosity in this killing business would exasperate him, and while it would take a while to 'harsh his mellow', it eventually would. So I am moving Razor to the automatic Hate list and replacing him with Rev in Static's Learn To Hate slot.

Corporal Len Anderson . . . Len is listed as being Assertive, a Gentleman, a Good Guy, having Victoria "Vicki" Waters and Major Spike Scallion as Buddies (both now mutual), and having Dr. Q. Huaong as his Learn To Like. On the flip side he has Tim "Numb" Sutton as his Learn To Hate, and Unusually Ruthless Reuban as his automatic Hate. I think it is appropriate to put Gus Tarballs on his buddy list, making that mutual. Also, Kyle "Shadow" Simmons, who is an ex-Ranger, like Spike, will now be a mutual Buddy. Filling out his Buddy list I will add Captain Bob Adams and make it mutual. That leaves Jim "Cougar" Wallace, who considers Len a Buddy, to replace Dr. Q. in Len's Learn To Like slot. After all, Dr. Q. does not return Len's sentiments -- not that it is necessary, but to me it seemed an odd inclusion. On his Hated list I will add the Russian Red Army veterans but not the non-Russian Red Army veterans. Therefore, Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, Ivan Dolvich and Igor Dolvich are added to The Corporal's Hated list (all mutual). The 'honour' of filling out the last slot on his Hated list will go to Lance Fisher -- the cowardly West Point instructor.

Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten . . . Danny is listed as a Loner, is Canadian, a Babe and cares some about that, is somewhat of a Sexist, and is a Good Guy. His bio also states that he is heroic and fearless. His Background is that of an Extreme Athlete, and his mercenary profession is that of a combat medic. Previously I made him and Gus Tarballs mutual Buddies. His file otherwise only lists that he Hates Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski & Thornton "Bubba" Jones, and he Learns To Hate Biff Apscott. It is fair to deduce from his in-game comments that he would also Hate Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau (who is also Canadian but there is the English-French rivalry playing out here, see Malice below), and John "Bull" Peters. He perhaps would dislike quite a few others for their rough ways or cowardly demeanour, but these probably would top his list because he detests "no-neck grunts". Even though he prefers to work alone I think he would give a nod to people he respects -- and we'll call them Buddies for purposes of game-play but they will not be mutual, thereby keeping his Loner status. Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston is one I think he would respect, as is Miguel Cordona, Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont, and Manuel Rivas. Notably, 3 of these are in-country RPCs, and not mercenary RPCs -- which is part of the reason I say that Danny will respect them. Ideally they should be Learn To likes, but in this case I think an exception can be made without breaking anything. I am giving him a 1 mutual Buddy in Sheila "Scope" Sterling, the SAS markswoman, as they both would highly respect the others abilities. Sheila goes into Danny's Learn To Like slot.

Earl "Magic" Walker . . .is listed as being Dauntless (originally Arrogant),and he Hates Danes a lot. Yes, Monica "Buns" Sondergaard is first on his Hate list, followed by Ron "Raider" Higgens (added for Arulco Vacations) and Marty "Kaboom" Moffat. Right away I will add Charlene "Raven" Higgens and Herman "Turtle" Regents, S.W.A.T. sniper and big city detective respectively. Edward "Ears" Stockwell will also go his Hated list, as Ears is a surveillance expert & snitch, and Magic, as a professional thief, is not exactly thrilled by that. Thornton "Bubba" Jones, prison guard from Alabama, is on his Learn To Hate list -- no surprise there. On his Buddy list already is Keith "Blood" Hanson, Trevor Colby, Ice Williams, and Vincenzo "Vinnie" Massimo. I am moving Jimmy Upton from his Learn To Like list to his (mutual) Buddy list as they already have a history together. Replacing Jimmy is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, because as mentioned in Fox's entry I think Magic has a mystique and 'bad boy' image that would attract her. That bad boy image is also felt by one of the terrorists in-game, Richard "Slay" Ruttwen, aka "Terry", who has Magic in his Learn To Like slot.

 Stephen Rothman . . . is listed as Assertive, Attractive and cares somewhat about that, is a Snob and cares about those class distinctions, is a Gentleman, Hates Americans somewhat, and is Swiss. Before I move on to his Buddies and Hateds, I will mention that he is in the middle of the whole South African Debacle. He worked for the diamond industry in South Africa (DeBeers) and his bio mentions that "South Africa hasn’t been quite as well-behaved since he left". For that comment he gets two levels of Racism, and although his hatred of Americans is probably referring to Keith "Blood" Hanson (see Blood's entry) I will leave it as is because the racism will take care of his hatred of South Africans. His listed Buddies include nobody, but he Learns To Like Norma "Meltdown" Jessop -- which doesn't make sense as Meltdown is not a gentlewoman, and her in-game persona gives every indication she would pistol-whip anyone treating her in such a sexist manner. Therefore, Meltdown is being removed from that slot, and Stephen is being removed from Meltdown's Learn To Like slot. Instead, Rudolf Steiger, Dr. Laura Colin, Henning von Branitz, and Lieutenant Bud Hellar will go on his Buddy list (all mutual). On the other hand, he Hates Kirk "Static" Stevenson, drunk Larry Roachburn, and, of course, Keith "Blood" Hanson. He also Learns To Hate Edgar "Nails" Smorth. I will add to that Hated list Victoria "Vicki" Waters and Tim "Numb" Sutton (mutual), for obvious reasons.

Robert James "Scully" Sullivan . . .is listed as being Sociable, a Slob and cares about that, somewhat of a Sexist, is British and not a Good Guy. He also is noted as having been married 8 times and having 21 children. Excuse me! That deserves another level of Sexism straight off. As for being Sociable, that doesn't cover the extreme, narcissistic selfishness of being married 8 times and trying to escape being the responsible father of his 21 children. The level of immaturity here is off the charts, and he belongs associated with M.E.R.C. for the absurdity of his personality. Talk about your deadbeat dad, this guy is the poster boy for deadbeats everywhere! I am changing his Sociable to Show-Off because there is no other Trait in-game that comes close to his actual behaviours. It is important to note that he is not a Good Guy, and after removing Gus Tarballs from his Buddy list (see above) he only has the self-absorbed, narcissistic traitor, Mike, as a Buddy. The only person on his Hated list is Marty "Kaboom" Moffat. All that said, he is also a killing machine as far as his combat skills are concerned. Therefore, his new Buddies will have to approach the level of competent mercenary abilities that he has, and also be close to as ruthlessly selfish as he is. Rudolf Steiger comes to mind even though Rudolf is on the other end of the spectrum as far as interacting with people is concerned. However, it is not unusual for such characters to be closely associated in real life -- it's the old, good cop/bad cop type of relationship. In fact, because of Scully's laid back attitude he is the ideal frontman for Steiger's in-crowd -- Dr. Laura Colin, Henning von Branitz, Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, Stephen Rothman, and their 'extended family of friends'. All the males just noted are going on Scully's Buddy list (Rothman & Henning will be mutual) -- I don't have to tell you why these females keep their distance, do I? And, no, Fox wouldn't be interested in him as a Buddy -- think about it from her perspective. As well, Elroy B. Tolken will go on Scully's Buddy list (mutual), and Lt. Bud Hellar (mutual) will go in the Learn To Like slot -- because, after all, the corporations control the governments. Scully's Hated list will, of course, now include Monica "Buns" Sondergaard, Margaret "Stella" Trammel, Commander Jane Shepard, and Louisa "Buzz" Garneau (all mutual). Scully will Learn to Hate Anita "Mouse" Backman (mutual).

Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau . . .is listed as Aggressive, is Ugly, is a Slob and cares somewhat about that, is Canadian, Hates the British very much, is somewhat of a Racist, and somewhat of a Sexist. His Buddy list includes Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman and Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, and he Learns To Like Norma "Meltdown" Jessop. None of them return his sentiments. He Hates Roger "Dyno" Wittman, and that is not mutual either, of course. Added to his Hate list are the following: Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten, Colonel Frederick Biggins, Sidney Nettleson, and Edward "Ears" Stockwell (all mutual). In addition, Robert James "Scully" Sullivan is now in his Learn To Hate slot. On the other hand, in his Buddy list the following are added: Tim (Numb) Sutton (mutual), Carl "It" Goodman (mutual), and Bill "Razor" Lamont (mutual).

Dr. Q. Huaong . . . is Phlegmatic, is Homely, of Average Refinement and cares about that, is Chinese, and the only person on his lists is Victoria "Vicki" Waters in his Learn To Like slot. That changes, however, as Thor Kaufman and Wahan are going on his mutual Buddy list for the reasons described above in Steve "Grizzly" Bornell's entry. As well, Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan is also going on his mutual Buddy list, and Vicki is moving off the Learn To Like slot onto his Buddy list. On his Hated list will be Steve "Grizzly" Bornell and Lennart "Scream" Vilde.

Edgar "Nails" Smorth . . .is listed as Dauntless, a Slob and cares a lot about that, somewhat of a Racist, somewhat of a Sexist, and not a Good Guy. He is listed as having Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman as his Buddy (not mutual), and Learns To Like John "Bull" Peters (mutual). On his Hate list is Biff Apscott, Ron "Raider" Higgens and Charlene "Raven" Higgens (for Arulco Vacations replacing Megan "Sparky" Roachburn). He is Hated by Stephen Rothman. First, additions to his Hated list: Herman "Turtle" Regents, and Thornton "Bubba" Jones -- both for being in law enforcement, and both are mutual. He learns to Hate Stephen Rothman. His Buddy list is expanding to include Lieutenant "Stogie" Horge, Glenn "Boss" Hatchet, Luc "Lucky" Fabre, and Carl "It" Goodman (all mutual).

Thor Kaufman . . . is Sociable, is Attractive, is a Gentleman, and is German. He is also into New Age healing modalities, and is vegetarian. He is Buddies with Ice Williams, Kirk "Static" Stevenson, and Learns To Like Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, while Trevor Colby Learns To Like him (none are mutual). Now he also counts Dr. Q. Huaong, Wahan, and the charitable Mary Beth Wilkins as Buddies (all mutual). He is Hated by Henning von Branitz.Going on to his Hated list are Unusually Ruthless Reuben and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner (not mutual).

Sheila "Scope" Sterling . . . is listed as Sociable, is Attractive and cares somewhat about that, is British, and Hates the French a lot. She has only 1 person on her lists, and that is Sidney Nettleson as a mutual Buddy. I am adding Colonel Frederick Biggins, Major Spike Scallion, Trevor Colby, and Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten to her mutual Buddy list, and to her Hated list go Florence "Flo" Gabriel, Gaston Cavalier (mutual), Unusually Ruthless Reuben and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner .

Peter "Wolf" Sanderson . . . is listed as a Loner, as a mutual Buddy with Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, is now in Arulco Vacations a mutual Buddy with Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts and Frank "Hitman" Hennessy. I also made him mutual Buddies with Steve "Grizzly" Bornell - which is a natural combination but also would be a tenuous relationship because of Fox's involvement. It is very common situational relationship among humans, and will undoubtedly blow up in the future . . . but not at this time. This arrangement also adds credence to Mouse's allegation that Fox is ". . . causing all kinds of trouble . . . It's only a question of time before somebody on the team pays the price for her behaviour". Also new on his mutual Buddy list will be Gregory "Spooky" Block, but it will not be mutual. In his Learn To Like slot will go Carlos Dasouza (not mutual), another Loner like Wolf. He Hates Murray "Pops" McGillicutty, probably because Pops is too free with his hands around Fox, and Learns To Hate Tim "Numb" Sutton. I will add to that list of Hateds Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Bill "Razor" Lamont (mutual), and Biff Apscott.

Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson . . .is listed as an Optimist, a Snob and cares that somewhat, is Canadian, and is a Good Guy. He is a recent graduate of med school, and he states his displeasure with "macho freaks" in-game, so we can deduce that his snobbishness is in regards to education and 'civilized behaviour'. As he has appeared in 2 of the Jagged Alliance games we will suppose he has already been on assignment, or at least has met everyone at functions, meetings and such, and upgrade the part in his bio which states he "eagerly awaits his first assignment" to be "he eagerly awaits another assignment". He has been given Helmut "Grunty" Grunther, Luc "Lucky" Fabre, Barry Unger, Alan "Spam" Webster, and Tim "Gumpy" Hillman as mutual Buddies. Grunty & Lucky may seem odd choices. Let us say MD would realize he needs a bodyguard, and Grunty would realize it is always good to have a competent medic around, their working together is not out of the ordinary. As for Lucky, we'll say he has a soft spot for nice guys, especially medics -- being that he got in trouble with the law for killing a bad guy. Barry and Gumpy are also recent graduates, so their friendship is natural for a number of reasons. As for MD's Hated list, the usual suspects, the two guys who can't hide their insanity, Unusually Ruthless Reuben and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, the guy with the bad haircut, nose-ring and neck tattoos, Tim "Numb" Sutton, and the guy with the abrasive attitude and inclination to use the word "boy" when referring to him, Major Spike Scallion. None of these Hates are mutual as Reuben and Skitz just don't care, and Numb and Spike know better (i.e. a medic is always handy even if you don't like him).

Norma "Meltdown" Jessop . . .is listed as Malicious (originally Aggressive), of Average Appearance and cares somewhat about that, and of Average Refinement and cares somewhat about that also. I have already added her as a mutual Buddy to Monica "Buns" Sondergaard, Louisa "Buzz" Garneau, and removed her from Stephen Rothman's Learn to Like slot and him from Meltdown's slot. Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau Learns To Like her, she Hates Biff Apscott and Learns To Hate Doug "Gasket" Milton. I am adding Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts to her Hated list to add fuel to that soap opera situation. Also going on her Hated list is Willy "Weasel" Augustin, Lance Fisher, and Howard "Carp" Melfield (all mutual) -- all for being male snitches without much combat worth (so she would think). Last on that list will be Speck T. Kline (mutual), as his nervousness is akin to cowardice as far as Meltdown would be concerned. On the other hand, going on her Buddy list are Margaret "Stella" Trammel, Major Spike Scallion and Colonel Leo Kelly (all mutual) -- all rough and tumble soldiers. On her Learn To Like I am putting Lt. "Stogie" Horge (mutual).

Biff Apscott . . .is listed as Sociable (originally Coward), is Nervous, and is Homely. He has recovering Larry Roachburn and Lance Fisher (both mutual) listed as Buddies, with Florence "Flo" Gabriel in his Learn To Like slot. His Hated list includes drunk Larry Roachburn (mutual) and Herman "Turtle" Regents. I do not think Hated is the right word to use with Biff, rather 'Scared' is more appropriate. Be that as it may, also on his Hated (i.e. Scared) list will now be John "Bull" Peters, Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau, and Thornton "Bubba" Jones, with Tim "Numb" Sutton in his Learn to Hate slot (none mutual). On his Buddy list I am adding Speck T. Kline, Hurl E. Cutter, and Dr. Raffito "Raffi" Leevon (all mutual). I do have to change the associations Biff has with Larry Roachburn. Larry has enough experience and brains to know Biff is not someone to pair up with on a mission. Even drunk/drugged I don't think he would give Biff a second thought -- Biff is just too inconsequential to waste time on. Therefore, replacing drunk Larry on Biff's Hated list will be Unusually Ruthless Reuben -- who is a lot scarier than Larry. And his Buddy list will now include Tim "Gumpy" Hillman (mutual). He is listed as being on Lieutenant "Stogie" Horge's Buddy list, who is described as one of the toughest grunts in the business. I just cannot figure that one out, and I don't think anyone else has either. Therefore, Biff is being removed from Stogie's Buddy list. One last item is that Biff is listed as Sociable. If anyone deserves the Pacifist designation it is Biff. Here he is in his own words: "I KILLED A MAN today! I can't do this anymore... I'm leaving A.I.M. for good! I'm going back to school... God forgive me!" Granted, he doesn't say that anymore in JA2, but his whole in-game persona is that of someone who does not want to kill. Therefore, he is no longer Sociable, he is a Pacifist.

Frankie "Haywire" Gordon . . . is listed as Psycho (originally Aggressive), is Ugly, is a Slob, is very Racist, and is very Sexist. He has Bill "Razor" Lamont on his Buddy list (mutual), and he Learns To Like Tim "Numb" Sutton (not mutual). He Hates Biff Apscott (not mutual). First thing to modify is to make Numb an automatic Buddy and to make it mutual. Replacing Numb in the Learn To Like slot is Brenda Drake for when she becomes recruitable in a future version (hopefully v1.04). Fidel Dahan likes Haywire, and I will make that mutual, as well as establish a mutual Buddy relationship with Jean-Pierre "La Malice" Viau and Jack "Postie" Durham. On the flip side, Haywire will now also Hate Lt. Bud Hellar and Lance Fisher (both mutual).

Doug "Gasket" Milton . . . is listed as Aggressive (originally Asshole), Forgetful, is Homely, is a Slob and cares somewhat about that, is somewhat of a Sexist, and is extremely hateful of Russians. He is listed as having as Buddies Victoria "Vicki" Waters and Kirk "Static" Stevenson. Here we have an clear example of the term "Buddy" not meaning a mutually friendly relationship. Vicki Learns To Hate Gasket while Gasket has a love interest toward her. As well, Gasket's relationship with Static is built on alcohol, as such there are some tensions within that drinking buddy circle because it includes Tim "Numb" Sutton, a punk. Punks and rednecks (i.e. Gasket) don't have a historical tradition of getting along very well, however there will be no outright Hatred between the two as alcohol is a great lubricator of relationships. Two more of those in that drinking circle are going on Gasket's Buddy list, one as a true Buddy, Marty "Kaboom" Moffatt, and one as another contentious Buddy, drunk Larry Roachburn (both mutual). Also, Thornton "Bubba" Jones becomes a mutual Buddy, as he is a true redneck. The addition to his Learn To Like slot is Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski (mutual). Over on his Hated list we see the Russian Ivan Dolvich (now mutual), who will be joined by his nephew Igor Dolvich (now mutual), who gets moved off Gasket's Learn To Hate list and replaced by Igmus "Iggy" Palkov. Added to his Hate list are Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, another Russian, Janno "Brain" Allik and Lennart "Scream" Vilde (all mutual), both of whom were in the Soviet/Russian Army.

Bill "Razor" Lamont . . . is listed as Malicious (was Aggressive), is Psycho, is Homely, is a Slob and cares about that somewhat, is very Sexist, and hates Arulcans very much. He is listed as having Frankie "Haywire" Gordon as a Buddy (mutual), and Learns To Like Fidel Dahan (mutual) -- who I will bump on up to his automatic Buddy list. Added to Razor's Buddy list are Tim "Numb" Sutton, Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau, and Johnny "Snake" Edwards (all mutual). In his Learn To Like slot goes Kevin "Maddog" Cameron. That last, Maddog, is not mutual only because there is only 1 Learn To Like/Hate slot available for any character, and Maddog's is filled. That makes it rough to add Buddies or Hateds to the in-country recruitable characters. Over on Razor's Hated list are Florence "Flo" Gabriel, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, and Pete "Wolf" Sanderson (all 3 mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot is Biff Apscott. I am bumping Biff down to an automatic Hate slot, replacing him with Lance Fisher,and adding Ron "Raider" Higgens to his Hated list. Those last 3 are not mutual.

Florence "Flo" Gabriel . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Coward), is Nervous, is Homely, is French, and is a Good Guy.  Hmm. Some correction is in order before I go further. "Homely" isn't a good description especially since she's M.E.R.C.'s swimsuit model. OK, she's not Fox, but then neither is anybody else in the Jagged Alliance Universe. I will bump her up to Average (because of her  . . . uh . . . personality). More important is that she is not a Pacifist -- she is a bit of a Coward, but that is not an active designation anymore. Besides, Biff Apscott and Lance Fisher are far more cowardly than Flo is. As for being a Pacifist . . . when she kills somebody she gets excited: "Oh, mon dieu!  That was more satisfying than an orgasm!" That's not quite what a pacifist would say, I don't think. Therefore, because of that, and because she's M.E.R.C.'s pinup girl, is French, and comes with a bottle of wine (no pun intended -- it's in her Gear Kit) . . . she gets Sociable. The Nervous Disability will take care of her cowardice. On to her Buddy list which is solely occupied at the moment by Biff Apscott (mutual), who we probably can think of as her main love interest. In her Learn To Like slot is Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts (mutual in Arulco Vacations) . . . which I think shows she is a sociable sort who probably is the closest rival Fox has in bedroom adventures. Building on that I will include on her list: Carl "It" Goodman (mutual), Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski, Robert James "Scully" Sullivan (both not mutual), and drunk Larry Roachburn (mutual).

Tim "Gumpy" Hillman . . .is listed as an Intellectual (originally Pessimist), and a Slob. He is listed as having nobody on his Buddy list, and nobody on his Hated list. however, I have already added as mutual Buddies Barry Unger, Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson and Biff Apscott. To that I will add Florence "Flo" Gabriel (not mutual) and Hurl E. Cutter (mutual). On his Hated list (i.e. Scared Of list) I will add Thornton "Bubba" Jones (not mutual), Ernie "Red" Spragg (mutual), Monica "Buns" Sondergaard (mutual), Lesley "Smoke" Petersen, and Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski (both not mutual).

Larry Roachburn (Recovering) . . . is listed as Sociable and a Good Guy. He has no Buddies listed (having taken Biff Apscott off previously), but he Learns To Like Florence "Flo" Gabriel. On his Hated list are Kirk "Static" Stevenson and Unusually Ruthless Reuben. To his Buddy list I am adding Tim "Gumpy" Hillman, Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson, Jim "Cougar" Wallace (mutual), Walter "Wally" Yuntz (mutual), and his sister Megan "Sparky" Roachburn (mutual). As a recovering alcoholic he is focusing on helping the mercenaries who have limited experience or are having problems of their own (Wally & Cougar). This because his self-esteem has not yet built back up to the point he is comfortable with those experienced Mercs who have seen him flounder. That's my train of thought, anyway. To his Hated list will go some heavy drinkers/druggers -- Doug "Gasket" Milton, Tim "Numb" Sutton, and Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski (all not mutual).

Larry Roachburn (Drunk) . . .is listed as a Loner, is Primitive, is very Sexist, and is not a Good Guy. He is listed as mutual Buddies with Kirk "Static" Stevenson. I added Doug "Gasket" Milton, Florence "Flo" Gabriel already, and will add his sister Megan "Sparky" Roachburn (mutual) and Frankie "Haywire" Gordon (not mutual). He Learns To Like Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski (not mutual). On his Hated list is Unusually Ruthless Reuben (not mutual), and to that I will add his father Leon Roachburn, and his brother Gary Roachburn (both mutual).

Jim "Cougar" Wallace . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Asshole), is Attractive, and has as Buddies Peter "Wolf" Sanderson (not mutual), Corporal Len Anderson (mutual in Arulco Vacations), Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts (new & mutual), and recovering Larry Roachburn (new & mutual). All of that will stay as it is. Cougar doesn't have anyone listed on his Hated list, but considering he originally is considered an Asshole and that he is relegated to being employed by M.E.R.C. there must be some reason for that. We do know from his bio that he cheated on the final exam when he was in the U.S. Army Cadet Force, that his Background is labelled "Rejected Army Cadet", and we can assume he carries that chip on his shoulder even now. So, to his Hated list will go army officers who it will be assumed he is jealous of: Gus Tarballs, Colonel Leo Kelly, Major Spike Scallion, Captain Bob Adams, and Lt. Bud Hellar (all not mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot will go (Major) Ivan Dolvich (not mutual).

Tim "Numb" Sutton . . .is listed as a Loner, Ugly and cares somewhat, is a Slob and cares a lot, is very Racist, is British and hates the British somewhat. He is a punk -- meaning he sports an untraditional haircut, piercings, tattoos, and protests the establishment and order structure. On the other hand he is a competent mercenary, one of the best available from M.E.R.C. and better than more than a few in A.I.M.. He is originally listed as having no Buddies, though He Learns To Like Jean-Pierre "La Malice" Viau (not mutual). Now, as noted above, in keeping with his nature, he is Buddies with Kirk "Static" Stevenson, Frankie "Haywire" Gordon, and Bill "Razor" Lamont. Malice is being moved on to Numb's Buddy list to make room for Brenda Drake when she becomes recruitable. Brenda is the only other true punk in the game so they will definitely be mutual Buddies when the time comes. On his Hated list are Victoria "Vicki" Waters, Sidney Nettleson (both not mutual), Monica "Buns" Sondergaard (mutual), and Stephen Rothman (mutual). Added to that is Robert James "Scully" Sullivan (not mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot is Sheila "Scope" Sterling (not mutual).

Thorton "Bubba" Jones . . . is listed as Malicious (originally Aggressive), is a Slob and cares a lot about that, is very Racist, is very Sexist, and Hates Arulcans very much. His Buddy list has already been heavily modified (see above) and includes John "Bull" Peters (original and not mutual), Herman "Turtle" Regents, Ron "Raider" Higgens, and Doug "Gasket" Milton (last 3 are mutual). He Learns To Like Louisa "Buzz" Garneau (not mutual), but I am moving Buzz to his automatic Buddy list to make room for Kevin "Maddog" Cameron (not mutual) in his Learn To Like slot. On his Hated list is Edgar "Nails" Smorth, Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Jimmy Upton (all mutual), and Bill "Razor" Lamont (not mutual).

Miguel Cordona . . .is listed as Attractive, of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, is Arulcan, Hates Germans very much, and is a Good Guy. First off, I don't know why he hates Germans. WWII is a long ways in the past, the stated history of Arulco says the country was barely involved and had no contact with Germans. Yes, there are some criminal elements within Arulco who are German. But the focus of Miguel's hate should be toward the Queen, and she is Romanian. Therefore, I am changing his Hated Nationality to Romanian. He has Carlos Dasouza and Ira Smythe on his Buddy list (both mutual), Kyle "Shadow" Simmons (not mutual) in his Learn To Like slot, and Igmus "Iggy" Palkov (not mutual) on his Hated list. To me that all seems incomplete. I will add Dimitri Guzzo, Manuel Rivas, and Dr. Vincent Beaumont to his Buddy list and make them all mutual. In his Learn To Hate slot will go Unusually Ruthless Reuben (not mutual), and to his Hated list will also go Mike and Lt. Conrad Gillitt.

Carlos Dasouza . . .is listed as a Loner (originally Pessimist), a Slob and cares a lot about that, is somewhat Sexist, and is a Good Guy. His Buddies are Miguel Cordona and Dimitri Guzzo, he Learns To Like Ira Smythe, and he Hates Igmus "Iggy" Palkov. Well, learning to like Ira is a bit strange as he's been with her in the rebel stronghold for a long time -- so Ira goes on his automatic Buddy list. Also going on his Buddy list are Manuel Rivas, and Dr. Vincent Beaumont (both mutual). His Learn To Like slot will be occupied by Hector Alvarez (mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot will go Unusually Ruthless Reuben (not mutual), and to his Hated list will also go Mike and Lt. Conrad Gillitt.

Ira Smythe . . .is listed as Sociable, is Attractive, is American, Hates Americans a little, and is a Good Guy. Her Buddy list includes Dimitri Guzzo and Miguel Cordona, and she Learns To Hate Jean-Pierre "La Malice" Viau. Going on to her Buddy list are Carlos Dasouza, Manuel Rivas and Dr. Vincent Beaumont (all mutual). Her Learn To Like slot will be occupied by Victoria "Vicki" Waters. Going on her Hated list are Pablo Greco (mutual -- we know she hates him from her in-game comments), Igmus "Iggy" Palkov, Mike and Lt. Conrad Gillitt.

Dimitri Guzzo . . . is listed as Primitive, is Forgetful, and is a Good Guy. His Buddy list has Carlos Dasouza and Miguel Cordona, and his Learn To Hate slot has Stephen Rothman. I will add Ira Smythe, Manuel Rivas and Dr. Vincent Beaumont to his Buddy List. In his Learn To Like slot will go Elio, and on his Hated list goes Igmus "Iggy" Palkov, Mike and Lt. Conrad Gillitt.

Devin Connell . . . is listed as a Loner, is Ugly, is a Slob and cares somehat about that, is Irish, Hates the British somewhat, is somewhat Racist, and somewhat Sexist. He is Buddies with John "Bull" Peters (now mutual), Learns To Like Ernie "Red" Spragg (now mutual), and Learns To Hate Monica "Buns" Sondergaard. As Devin is an in-country recruitable, an irascible loner, and interested primarily in money, I will leave him as is.

Hamous . . . is listed as Primitive, and is Buddies with Hector Alvarez (mutual). Since he is a Metaviran from Jagged Alliance I will add the other Metavirans as mutual Buddies: Elio, Juan & Wahan, and put Dimitri Guzzo (not mutual) in his Learn To Like slot. I will also downgrade his Appearance from Average to Homely as I think it was simply left at the default and his in-game characterization warrants it. His Hated list remains empty.

Richard "Slay" Ruttwen aka Terry . . . is one of the Terrorists, and in Arulco Vacations all the Terrorists were previously modified to have each other as Buddies. Otherwise, Slay is listed as a Loner, is Ugly and cares a lot about that, is Canadian, and Hates Americans. He learns to Hate Florence "Flo" Gabriel, and is Buddies with Annie (Matron of Mayhem), Kris "Chris" Karver (The Imposter), Tiffany "Joe" Eddie, Jasmin "T-Rex" Rexall, and Sammy "Charlie" Elgin (The Druggist). I am going to remove Flo from his Learn To Hate slot and replace her with the CIA operative, Elroy B. Tolken. In his Learn To Like slot will go Tim "Numb" Sutton (not mutual), a Loner like Slay.

Greg "Dynamo" Duncan . . .is listed as Aggressive (originally Aggressive), Homely, is very Racist, is Arulcan, is a Good Guy, and Hates Hungarians very much. Hungarians? Hmm. Well, even though Kingpin's organized crime family is described as MAFIA, he is Hungarian, as is Spike the bouncer at his boxing club bar, Christine Woltz, aka The Warden of the secret prison where Dynamo is jailed, Lt. Conrad Gillitt, the mercenary military trainer at Alma, and of course, Barry Unger. Considering he is determined to "get that broad Deidranna - ain't nothin' gonna stop me but death!", I would think his Hated Nationality would be Romanian. However, he comes from Alma, and so might know Lt. Gillitt (who is definitely not a nice guy), and The Warden is probably intimately known to him in not a nice way . . . so it stays as is. On his Buddy list is his prison-mate Breeham "Shank" Druz (mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Keith "Blood" Hanson -- which isn't an obvious choice at all but one I will let stand. On his Hated list I will put Lt. Gillitt in order to strengthen the reason for his hatred of Hungarians. We will assume he doesn't know of Mike and Igmus "Iggy" Palkov. In Dynamo's Learn To Hate slot is Thornton "Bubba" Jones, and while that is understandable I will put Barry Unger there in order to reinforce the whole Hungarian hate thing. Dynamo's Racist attitude set against Bubba's racist attitude should take care of those two.

Breeham "Shank" Druz . . . is listed as an Optimist, is a Good Guy, and is mutual Buddies with Greg "Dynamo" Duncan. In his Learn To Like slot is Ivan Dolvich (not mutual) -- which is another question mark, and one I can't find any answer to. Therefore, I am replacing Ivan with Miguel Cordona -- who is much more likely to have Shank's respect than anyone else. On his Hated list am putting Lt. Conrad Gillitt, and in his Learn To Hate slot goes Barry Unger, both as a nod to Shank's best Buddy, Greg "Dynamo" Duncan. As with Dynamo, we will assume Shank does not know of Mike or Igmus "Iggy" Palkov. on the other hand, Shank can get gasoline from his contacts in Estoni, and that means he is probably friends with Jake Cameron and Kevin "Maddog" Cameron -- and those two are now mutual Buddies with Shank.

Igmus "Iggy" Palkov . . . is listed as being somewhat Racist, and somewhat Sexist. He is Russian, a mercenary hired by the Queen, and only quits her employ after the traitor Mike is killed. He professes to have a conscience, but that is extremely suspect because of his alliance and friendship with Mike -- who has no conscience. He Learns To Like Ivan Dolvich, and he Learns To Hate Fidel Dahan.I will have him Hate Americans somewhat, as well, as described above for the Russian-American rivalry.

Dr. Vincent Beaumont . . . is listed as an Optimist, and is Arulcan. He turns rebel and leaves the Cambria hospital once you've gotten the town's loyalty. I have already added Miguel Cordona, Carlos Dasouza and Ira Smythe to his Buddy list (all mutual, see above). Going on to his Hated list are Mike, Igmus "Iggy" Palkov and Lt. Conrad Gillitt, and in to his Learn To Hate slot goes Unusually Ruthless Reuben.

Lieutenant Conrad Gillitt . . . is listed as Assertive (originally Big Shot), is Hungarian, is somewhat Sexist and hates Americans a little. Well . . . I think it is safe to say he is a bit more than just assertive and 'somewhat' anything!  I will add extreme Snob, very Sexist, very Racist and Hates Americans very much. Yes, that ought to fit his in-game persona a little better. Maybe a touch of Psycho is called for, but I won't go there. He is Buddies with Igmus "Iggy" Palkov, another reason to suspect Iggy is not what he pretends to be. He Learns To Hate drunk Larry Roachburn. I have added Mike to his Buddy list.

Kevin "Maddog" Cameron . . .is listed as Aggressive, and is Psycho. That is all. That is not nearly enough. We know he's not of average looks, and we know about his habit of eating bugs (and brains), and about his extremely sexist commentary and recruitability requirements . . . so he also gets: is a Slob, is very Sexist, and is Homely. In his Learn To Like slot is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman.  I am putting Sidney Nettleson in his Learn To Hate slot because they are very much opposites. As noted above, Maddog is now mutual Buddies with Breeham "Shank" Druz. He also has his father, Jake Cameron, as a mutual Buddy.

Darrel Hick, Jr. . . .is listed as Primitive, very Racist, and very Sexist. I don't have to explain why I will also list him as Ugly, and a Slob. I do have to explain why I am listing him, and all his "Hick" family as Hating Americans very much. He and his family are obviously rednecks in the mold of such from the Deep South U.S.A.. A little history here: after the American Civil War many Confederate families left the u.s.a. and re-settled in Central and South America. In fact, one of the largest minorities in Brazil are the Confederados -- plantation families descended from those Confederates who fled to Brazil. They are responsible for much of the deforestation of the Amazon. They are also the largest group of ex-Americans in any country. And, yes, they still fly the Confederate flag and plan their drunken dream of an armed invasion of the U.S.A. -- and the Hick family is mentioned as having enough weapons to start a war, aren't they? In Arulco Vacations they are not labelled "Hicks" as in JA2, they are known as "Confederados". After all, "Hick" is American slang, and although it is their surname the association is obvious. The Hick family prey upon Arulco and are not part of it's society, and their behaviour, language & social life are obviously extremely stereotypical American redneck. To bring it all into reality they would indeed need to be Confederados. As such, they would hate Yankee Americans with a passion. I am listing his father, Daryl Hick, as his Buddy (mutual).

Alish "Alex" Perkopoulos . . .is listed as a Good Guy, and is Greek. Past designers & modders have not deemed it necessary to define non-recruitable characters. However, the essence of good role-play design, in my opinion, is that every character is cut from the same cloth. When a designer does that there is no need for AI cheats to be incorporated. I have already revamped Character Backgrounds, Traits, Skills and other aspects to bring these non-recruitables into the game in the same manner as other characters. So Alex is now enhanced: he is a Loner, is Forgetful, is Homely, is a Slob, is somewhat Racist, is very Sexist, and Hates Arulcans very much. He is generally not a very nice person, and is incredibly stupid, arrogant and ignorant.

Queen Deidranna . . .is listed as Aggressive, is Psycho, is Homely and cares about that a lot, is a Snob and cares about that a lot, is Romanian, Hates Arulcans a lot, is very Sexist, and is very Racist. OK, first, yes, this is the main protagonist, the queen who has usurped power and waged a war against her own people while developing and amassing various weapons of mass destruction of a biological and sci-fi nature. She has instituted a secret torture prison (she must have been the role model for Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld), and has authorized horrible biological experiments on humans that have resulted in the bug monsters and the zombies. Her war program has developed many futuristic weapons (for the time period), including the rocket rifle and Compound 18. Whatever war crime you can imagine she is committing. So, first off . . . she's not Homely, she's a Babe, yo, when she's smiling and all made up proper for a photo op I bet she is royally fine. It's on the inside where she is ugly. She's got that charisma going strong on the outside -- that's how she ensnared Enrico Chivaldori, helped him win the election against Miguel Cordona by a landslide, and hoodwinked the entire country into believing Enrico killed his father, and that she should be queen for life. That's also how she presumably keeps her viciousness out of international scrutiny. I am adding Joseph Papanus as her Buddy. I do not think I need to do more.

Auntie . . . is listed as Nervous, is Ugly, and is "African" -- whatever that was supposed to mean originally, it displays a huge amount of ignorance -- so now it stands in for Afrikaner, which Auntie is definitely not. It is strange that she and the other older women in-game are all considered "ugly". I am changing that to Average, as she is definitely not ugly. As for the designation of "African" . . . I am changing that to South African -- even though she probably should be considered Arulcan, we'll pretend she is a recent immigrant because of apartheid.

Enrico Chivaldori . . . is never encountered in-game except in the beginning cutscene, and through emails. His character never appears and cannot be interacted with. For completeness sake I will note that he is Sociable, and Attractive -- another reason his hand-picked queen-to-be would not be homely. He does have a full set of other stats and ability scores, but they are not relevant here.

Carmen Dancio . . .is listed as a Loner, is Attractive, is a Slob, is a Gentleman, is Italian, and Hates Germans somewhat. I will put Kyle "Shadow" Simmons in his Learn To Like slot for completeness sake. There really is not more to do with Carmen as he is good as he is -- and even if made recruitable he definitely would be the type of Loner who remains aloof from friends or enemies while at work (i.e. being a mercenary).

Joseph Papanus . . . is listed as Aggressive, is very Racist, is Arulcan, and Hates Americans very much. I must say I am surprised he is listed as Arulcan, and not Greek. Nevertheless, all I need to do here is add the Queen as his Buddy. Joseph is a top advisor to the Queen, maybe a bodyguard, possible boy-toy . . . his exact role is unknown.

Dr. Steven Willis . . .is listed as Sociable, Attractive, is Arulcan, is a Good Guy, and Hates Germans somewhat. What is it about hating Germans? Was the Queen supposed to be German at one point in the game's development? The only Germans of note in-country are Frank the bartender in San Mona, and Franz Hinkle the electronics shopkeeper in Balime. I am changing that to Hates Romanians, as that is the Queen's nationality.

Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo . . . is listed as Malicious (originally Pessimist), is ugly, is very Racist, is very Sexist, and is Arulcan. He has on his Hated list Miguel Cordona and Ira Smythe. He is the 'Keeper of the Bugs' for the Queen, and worked alongside his friend Gary "Gabby" Mulnick. Rat is recruitable, but Gabby is not -- nevertheless I am putting Gabby on his Buddy list so that there is a Morale loss should Gabby be killed with Rat around. His hatred for Miguel & Ira must stem from before the Player enters Arulco. It is not explained why he hates Miguel as far as I know, but it is known that the country favored the Chivaldori clan over the Cordona clan for most of it's history. Why Ira is also included but not Carlos Dasouza escapes me as well. I would suppose that as Miguel's chief advisor Carlos would be known before an aid worker turned rebel (Ira). Therefore, I am putting Carlos in place of Ira on Rat's hated list, and putting Ira in the Learn To Hate slot.

Annie, "Matron of Mayhem" aka MoM . . .is listed as Aggressive, is a Psycho, is Homely and cares a lot about that, is a Slob and cares somewhat, is very Sexist, is a Scot, and Hates the British somewhat. I have already added the other Terrorists as her Buddies - Richard "Slay" Ruttwen aka Terry, Kris "Chris" Karver (The Imposter), Tiffany "Joe" Eddie, Jasmin "T-Rex" Rexall, and Sammy "Charlie" Elgin (The Druggist). She has Norma "Meltdown" Jessop in her Learn To Like slot. MoM and Meltdown are very much alike -- highlighting that the difference between these Terrorists and your Mercs is a very thin and moveable line. In a future version of Arulco vacations I intend to have all of the terrorists available for recruitment.

Kris "Chris" Karver aka The Imposter . . . is listed as a Loner, and is American. He is another of the Terrorists and has all of the Terrorists as his Buddies. I have included Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon (mutual) in his Learn To Like slot. Chris and Raffi both are imposters -- Raffi has the new Pretender Background and is adept at posing as a doctor, singer and mercenary while not having the actual skills needed for any of that. Chris is currently pretending to be Canadian, and obviously doesn't have ths skill to do that. True, Chris is prone to violence while Raffi is prone to run, but otherwise I think they would recognize they are birds of a feather.

Bob . . . skipping over Bob for the moment (this is not Captain Bob Adams)

Brenda Drake . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Asshole), is very Racist, is somewhat Sexist, is Ugly and cares somewhat, is a Slob and cares somewhat, and is British. She is not recruitable as yet, but is slated to be recruitable in a future version of Arulco Vacations. She has Tim "Numb" Sutton (mutual) in her Learn To Like slot, and Sidney Nettleson in her Learn To Hate slot. As the only true punk besides Numb in-game, the two of them can be considered best friends once they get to know each other.

Peter "Kingpin" Klauss . . . is listed as Assertive (originally Arrogant), is Homely, and somewhat Sexist. He has Miguel Cordona and Carlos Dasouza on his Hated list. On his Buddy list I am putting Darren van Haussen, Spike, Damon Warrick, Frank, and Madame Layla (all mutual). Kingpin is a major opponent in the early to middle game. He rules over San Mona, where he coordinates his crime empire. San Mona also serves as a vacation spot and perk for the exceptional soldiers of the Arulcan Army and Queen's Guard. Tony the arms merchant is not a Buddy as Tony has his own concerns.

Darren Van Haussen . . . is listed as Homely and cares about that somewhat, and is Dutch. Otherwise he is not exceptional. I am putting Peter "Kingpin" Klauss, Spike, Damon Warrick, Frank, and Madame Layla (all mutual) on his Buddy list. Darren is the Boxing Club manager and top lieutenant in the San Mona crime family.

Maria DaSilva . . . is listed as a Loner, is Forgetful, is a Babe, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. She has nobody defined on her Buddy or Hated lists, but I am putting her brother, Angel DaSilva (mutual) on her Buddy list, and Madame Layla, Billy Goonball, and Peter "Kingpin" Klauss on her Hated list (not mutual). I will note here that I have given her the Skill of Stealthy. Maria is not recruitable, though she has been made recruitable in some mods, and may become recruitable in Arulco Vacations at some point.

Angel DaSilva . . . is listed as Sociable, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. He is Maria DaSilva's brother, and owner of the leather shop in San Mona. I have put his sister on his Buddy list, and have put Madame Layla, Billy Goonball, Spike, Darren van Haussen, and Peter "Kingpin" Klauss on his Hated list. Angel is not recruitable but will be made recruitable at some point in Arulco Vacations. I will note here that he has been given the Skills of Melee and Stealthy.

Joey Graham . . .is listed as a Loner, is a Slob and cares somewhat, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. He is not recruitable and I have no plans to make him so. I have given him the Skill of Stealthy, however, as part of his role in-game. I have also put his mother, Martha Graham, on his Buddy list. Unlike Breeham "Shank" Druz, I highly doubt Joey would approve of something bad happening to his mother.

Tony . . . is listed as Phlegmatic (originally Pessimist), is Ugly, is somewhat Sexist, is somewhat Racist, is Polish, and Hates Italians somewhat. Well . . . damn . . . in Arulco Vacations Tony is Italian, yo, and he Hates Americans. I never would have guessed he was Polish, and I don't think that is just me. While he had a strange accent (many characters do), and did not speak like the other stereotypical Italian-American characterizations, I would not have thought he was anything other than a taciturn Italian. In fact, I built his whole gun-running operation with the basic idea that he was Italian. Anyway, other than his Hated Nationality he has no Buddies or Hateds. He is in the business of selling weapons to whoever can pay so it will stay that way. He owes no special allegiance to Peter "Kingpin" Klauss or the Queen. I am sure he pays his respects as they demand, but he will also pay the same respects to you should you take over the town and allow him to continue his business.

Frank . . .is listed as Sociable, somewhat Racist, is German, and Hates Arulcans very much. Frank tends bar in San Mona and is a merchant (see the Merchants page). Given that so many Arulcans are European colonizers I imagine his hatred of Arulcans means Indigenous Arulcans. But since there is no such distinction in-game I am switching that to be Hatred of Americans. After all, Arulcans form a large part of his business -- remember that San Mona is the vacation capital for the Arulcan Army and Queen's Guard. Hating them is not a good idea if you are a bartender in San Mona. I have already put Peter "Kingpin" Klauss and Darren van Haussen on his Buddy list, and I will also include Spike, Billy Goonball, and Damon Warrick on his Buddy list (all mutual).

Spike . . . is listed as Aggressive, is Ugly and cares a lot about that, is a Slob and also cares a lot about that, is very Racist, is Hungarian, and Hates Arulcans very much. Like Frank above I am changing his Hated Nationality to American. His racism, as will Frank's, will take care of their animosity toward indigenous Arulcans. As for Miguel Cordona, it is the job of mid-level operatives in a crime family to report the presence of high-level competitors -- but not take matters into their own hands. This is a modern role-play game, not a hack-and-slash, medieval, fantasy role-play game. I have added Peter "Kingpin" Klauss and Darren van Haussen to his Buddy list, and will include Darren Warrick, as well (all mutual).

Damon Warrick . . . is listed as a Slob, is Arulcan (another reason to revise the above Arulcan hatreds within this crime family), and Hates the British. As noted above, he is mutual Buddies with Peter "Kingpin" Klauss, Darren van Haussen, Frank, and Spike. Damon is Kingpin's personal bodyguard.

Kyle Lemmons . . .is listed as Sociable,is Attractive, is a Snob, is somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. Kyle owns the tattoo parlour in San Mona, and is not recruitable. He has no Buddies or Hateds defined, and doesn't need any as all such would be ordinary, un-named civilians.

Micky O'Brien . . . is listed as Malicious, is Homely, is a Slob and cares somewhat, is Irish, and Hates the British a lot. He has no Buddies or Hateds defined. As a merchant that is appropriate, but he does need Skills -- he now has Marksman, Hunter and Stealthy skills. These reflect his background as a gunrunner and poacher.

James "Skyrider" Bullock . . . is listed as Sociable, is a Good Guy, and is American. I am changing that to Arulcan. I am also giving him the Skills of Night Ops, Stealthy and Scouting -- which would explain how he has been able to stay away from the Arulcan Army so long. He has no Buddies or Hateds defined, and will stay that way. He is recruitable min some mods, but not yet in Arulco Vacations.

Pablo Greco . . . is listed as a Slob, is very Sexist, is Arulcan, and Hates Americans somewhat. Since he is a thief I am gave him the Skill of Stealthy. He has no Buddies or Hateds defined, but he should Hate Miguel Cordona (not mutual) and Ira Smythe (we know Ira hates him, so that is mutual) at the very least -- so he now has them on his Hated list. His Buddies would be un-named A.C.A. members ("White Shirts" in Arulco Vacations, "Yellow Shirts" in other mods), and so he does not have any that need to be defined. He is not recruitable. According to Ira he is working for the Queen, though he does not display any overt allegiance to her.

Salvatore Lappus . . . is listed as a Show-Off (originally Big Shot), is a Slob and cares somewhat, is somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, is Arulcan, and Hates Americans somewhat. His behaviour also warrants the Disability of Forgetful, so that's what he gets. He is not recruitable, and doesn't appear in-game unless Pablo Greco is killed. He has no Buddies or Hateds defined, and will not get any. He is not recruitable.

Father John Walker . . . is listed as a Pacifist (originally Coward), is Forgetful, is Homely, is a Gentleman, is a Good Guy, and is American. He is also a drunk, has no Buddies or Hateds defined, and is not recruitable. We know he has an illicit lust for Ira Smythe, so Ira is going on his Buddy list (not mutual), and we also know he has a deep respect for Miguel Cordona, so Miguel is also now on his Buddy list.

Fatima . . .is listed as Nervous (Originally None), is Homely, is a Good guy, and is Arulcan. I do not think she needs or deserves the Disability of Nervous, and so am removing it. She has no Buddies or Hateds defined. However, her husband is Manuel Rivas, and they are now mutual Buddies. She obviously is a well-known Rebel -- so I am including Miguel Cordona, Carlos Dasouza, and Ira Smythe as her Buddies (not mutual) also. It does seems as though Dimitri Guzzo has something against her, but I tend to think that was just the original designers trying to set up a specific ambiance and had no regard for how they misused the characters. However, I will leave Dimitri off her Buddy list. Fatima is not recruitable.

Christine Woltz . . .is listed as Aggressive, is a Babe, is very Racist, is very Sexist, is Hungarian, and Hates the Swiss very much. She has nobody defined on her Buddy or Hated lists, but I have added Miguel Cordona and Carlos Dasouza to her Hated list. I have no idea why she hates the Swiss, it sometimes seems like dice were rolled to pick these attributes. I am changing Swiss to Arulcan, as her favorite pasttime seems to be torturing Arulcans. She is not recruitable.

Gordon Jefferies . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Coward), is Nervous, is a Good Guy, is Arulcan, and hates Hungarians very much. He is not recruitable, and as been tortured past the limits of sanity.

Gary "Gabby" Mulnick . . . is listed as Sociable, is Homely, is a Slob and cares somewhat, is a Gentleman, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. He normally has no Buddies or Hateds defined, however I will put Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo as his mutual Buddy (see above). Gabby is one of scientists who worked on creating the bug monsters (the Crepitus) and probably the Bloodcats also. Because of his work with the bug monsters I have given him the Skill of Stealthy -- he would need it. He is not recruitable.

Dr. Ernest Poppin . . . is listed as Sociable, is Homely, is a Snob, is a Gentleman, and is British. He is a scientist working for the Queen, and probably a weapons inventor. He is definitely not sociable, so I am changing that to Show Off. He is not recruitable.

Fred Morris . . . is listed as Sociable, Attractive, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. I thought I had given all the head miners the Engineer skill for v1.03, but somehow that must have slipped past me. So now he gets that skill. He has nobody defined on his Buddy or Hated lists, and I will leave it that way. He is not recruitable, though in some mods he is. I might make the Head Miners recruitable at some point, but probably only after their mine stops producing -- if that is possible.

Madame Layla . . . is listed as being Arulcan. That is it. However, she needs to be defined more, therefore she gets Sociable, Attractive and cares a lot about that, a Snob and cares a lot about that, very Sexist, very Racist, and Hates Americans somewhat. On her Buddy list goes Peter "Kingpin" Klauss, Darren van Haussen, and Billy Goonball (all mutual). She is not recruitable.

Yanni Nomigotta . . . is listed as Arulcan, is Homely, and is a Good Guy. He deserves the Trait of Optimist, and gets it in Arulco Vacations, but otherwise he is good as a plain, average, Arulcan tour guide. He is not recruitable.

Martha Graham . . . is listed as an Optimist, is Homely, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. She needs to have her son defined as her mutual Buddy, but other than that she is good to go. She is not recruitable.

Tiffany "Joe" Eddie . . . is listed as Aggressive, is Ugly, is a Slob, is somewhat Racist, is very Sexist, and is Italian. I have already put the other Terrorists on his Buddy list. One of his suspected assassination victims was Sam "Pizza Face" Grimaldo, who may be a relative of Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo. However, there is nothing I know of that connects these two in-game. If there ever is a way to expand the storyline this is an interesting aspect to enhance. I am also giving him a designation of hating of Americans very much. As of now, Joe is not recruitable, though I have plans to make all the Terrorists recruitable at some point.

Jasmin "T-Rex" Rexall . . .is listed as very Racist, very Sexist, and is American. He deserves Malicious for his Character Trait according to his bio, and will get that. Otherwise, he has been given all the other Terrorists as Buddies, and he probably should Hate either Russians or Americans . . . considering what kinds of people he will meet in-game I am giving him a designation of hating of Americans very much. T-Rex is not recruitable at this time.

Sam "Charlie" Elgin, aka The Druggist . . . is listed as Dauntless (originally Asshole), is Psycho, and is British. As with the other Terrorists he has the rest of the Terrorists on his Buddy list in Arulco Vacations. I am not sure Dauntless is the correct Trait for him, but it will stand as is for now. Charlie is not recruitable at this time.

Jake Cameron . . .is listed as a Slob and cares somewhat, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. He has already been given his son, Kevin "Maddog" Cameron, and Breeham "Shank" Druz as Buddies. I am giving him the Character Trait of Sociable, and the Skill of Engineer. He is not recruitable. He is a merchant, and more info on Jake can be found on the Merchants page.

Pacos . . . is listed as a Good Guy, and Arulcan. He is Fatima's child and needs no more definition regarding these aspects.

Dave Gerard . . . is listed as Homely, is a Slob and cares somewhat, somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is American. He has been given the Engineer Skill, and he definitely deserves the Sociable Trait. Dave is not recruitable.

Skipper . . . is listed as Homely, is a Slob, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. Skipper deserves and gets the Trait of Optimist, and I am giving him the Skill of Scouting. Skipper is not recruitable.

Hans Vanderkilt . . . is listed as a Loner, somewhat of a Racist, is Dutch, and Hates Arabs somewhat. Now, once again, like "African", there is no such nationality as "Arab" -- and including such labels as nationalities is very telling of the mindset and attitude of the game designers. There is actually 1 Merc designated as an "Arab" -- Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan. So both Hans' Hated Nationality and Doc's Nationality shall be changed to Iraqi. As well, Mary Kulba (of all people) and Sam Rozen will have their Hated Nationality changed from "Arab" to Iraqi.

John Kulba . . .has not been integrated very well at all as regards the aspects we are considering. Originally just a non-recruitable character he is now recruitable and has a second entry. I have standardized both entries to be the same. I have standardized him to the following: is Sociable, is Heat Intolerant, is Ugly, is a Slob, is very Racist, is very Sexist, is American, and Hates Russians very much. He has also been given Engineer skill. I found that the two representations of John Kulba not only were so vastly different as to be two different people, but neither fully represented the character as portrayed in-game.On his Buddy list now is Wink E. Dickerson (mutual) -- we will pretend John is a baseball fan and knows of Wink. In his Learn To Hate slot is Igmus "Iggy" Palkov (not mutual).

Mary Kulba . . .is listed as somewhat Racist, is American, and as noted above now Hates Iraqis. I am also assigning her: is very Sexist, is Homely and cares a lot about that. She is not recruitable.

General Theo Humphey . . . is listed as somewhat Sexist, is American, and Hates Cubans somewhat. He also gets: is Dauntless, is Homely, is a Snob and cares a lot about that. His Skills have previously been modified for v1.03 to give him Squadleader. I am adding Marksman to that for v1.04. He has no Buddies or Hateds listed, and it will stay that way. He is not recruitable.

Sergeant Krott . . . is listed as somewhat Racist, and is Arulcan. Previously, for v1.03, I added Deputy. Otherwise I will let him stand as is for now. He is not recruitable.

Armand Ricci . . . is listed as a Snob and cares a lot about that, is Arulcan, and is a Good Guy. Previously in v1.03 I took away his Good Guy status, as he is not by any stretch deserving of that designation. He is one of the richest people in Arulco, and as expanded upon in other mods his corporation, Ricci Mining and Exploration, is the main protagonist in JA2:Unfinished Business. I am also adding very Racist and very Sexist to his attributes, as well as Show-Off. He is not recruitable.

Lora Ricci . . . is listed as a Show Off (originally Arrogant), is a Babe and cares somewhat about that, is a Snob and cares somewhat about that, is somewhat of a Racist, is a Good Guy, and is American. She immediately loses the Good Guy status, her Care Level for Appearance and Refinement are increased to Very instead of Somewhat, and she is also now designated as somewhat Sexist. She is not recruitable.

Franz Hinkle . . .is listed as a Snob and cares somewhat, is a Good Guy, is German, and Hates Australians a lot. I am erasing the Snob attribute as it does not fit at all. Yes, he has a shop in the rich, resort town, but, no, he doesn't talk down to the Player Characters or refuse to buy/sell to/from them. In fact, he treats them rather well considering they have chased away all his business. I have added the trait of Phlegmatic and the Skill of Engineer, because as he mentions he is more than just a storekeeper. Perhaps at some point I can make it so he, and others like him, will repair items. There is more about him on the Merchants page. He is not recruitable.

Howard Filmore . . . is listed as a Good Guy, and as American. Nothing else is set. I added the skill of Doctor, the Trait of Optimist, and though his Refinement will stay Average I will add that he cares a lot about that. There is more about him on the Merchants page. He is not recruitable.

Sam Rozen . . .is listed as a Good Guy, is American, and Hates Iraqis (see above). I added the Skill of Engineer and the Trait of Optimist. There is more about him on the Merchants page. He is not recruitable.

Eldin Fiddes . . .is listed as Homely and cares a lot about that, is a Good Guy, is Arulcan, and Hates Russians somewhat. He says in-game that he fought in WWII with the United States Marine Corp.. His being Arulcan and being a U.S. Marine is not unusual -- there are many non-citizens in the U.S. military, especially from countries in Central America. I have given him the Trait of Sociable, the Skills of Marksman and Gunslinger. His Marksmanship is very low, and we'll just attribute that to his being old and out of practice. Eldin is not recruitable.

Arnold Brunzwell . . .is listed as somewhat Racist, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. I added Engineer skill, and the Trait of Phlegmatic. He is a merchant, and is not recruitable.

Tina Elzan . . . is listed as Attractive, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. I added the Disability of Nervous, the Trait of Phlegmatic, and the Skill of Technician. She is a merchant, and is not recruitable.

Alexander Fredo . . . is listed as Homely, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. He already had the Skill of Engineer, so I have added the Trait of Phlegmatic. He is a merchant, and is not recruitable.

Walter Bazzon . . . is listed as a Pacifist (originally Coward), is Homely, is Arulcan, and Hates the British a little. He is not a pacifist, as pacifist don't become scientists researching ways to kill people. And, no, pacifists are not cowards. I am changing his Trait to Intellectual, and giving him the Disability of Nervous. He is not recruitable.

Jenny Walden . . . is listed as Attractive, is a Good Guy, and is Canadian. I have given her Doctor Skill, and the Trait of Sociable. She is not recruitable.

Billy GoonBall . . . is listed as American. I tend to think the American designation was not intentional as it is the default -- and since nothing else is defined Nationality probably wasn't defined either. Be that as it may I will leave the designation of American alone. I will, however, add the Skills of Hand-to-Hand, Melee, & Bodybuilding, and the Trait of Primitive. He is mutual Buddies with Madame Layla, Spike, and Frank.

Brewster Woltz . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Asshole), is Homely, is a Slob, is somewhat Racist, is somewhat Sexist, is Arulcan, and hates Jamaicans. No, he's not a pacifist. He helps you to murder his wife . . . just how is that being a pacifist? He is an Asshole but we don't have that designation anymore, so I will have to go with Show Off, considering his national sports team idea and other blather he bores you with. He is not recruitable.

Elliot aka The Messenger of Bad News . . . is listed as Primitive, and is American. I realize he seems to take a long time to learn that the Queen is going to beat him senseless . . . but there are other aspects to consider there, and Primitive is not the correct designation. Optimist is more likely, as it better supports his character. He may always have bad news but he also always tries to look at the bright side of things -- and somehow he thinks he will be successful. As well, he is definitely a Snitch. He is not recruitable.

Derek & Oliver . . . part of the endgame crowd, and I have no idea why they needed to waste NPC slots for a scene that is not playable.

Waldo Zimmer . . .is listed as Sociable, is Homely, is a Slob, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. I have to say Sociable is not the best description of Waldo. Sure, he's friendly, but that isn't what we are talking about here. I changed that to Phlegmatic. He is not recruitable.

Doreen Harrows . . . is listed as a Loner, is a Slob, is very Sexist, is American, and Hates Italians. Doreen is a friend to the Queen, owner of a factory that uses and abuses child labour, and concerned only about herself. I rather think she is a Snob & cares very much about that, not a Slob who doesn't care, so have changed that. And the Loner part I changed to Aggressive to keep in line with her dialogue.

Jim Perry, Jack Remington, Olaf Helinski, Ray Baker, Olga Statova, & Tyrone Banks . . . these are the assassins sent out by Peter "Kingpin" Klauss. They had not been defined at all before Arulco Vacations v1.03 --  I individualized them with Skills and new Gear Kits. Now, for v1.04, I am making them all mutual buddies, and giving them all the Trait of Malicious. I also changed Olaf's Nationality to Polish (Helinski is a Polish surname, though Olaf is a Swedish name), and Olga's Nationality to Russian.

Dr. Nathaniel "MadLab" Kairns . . .is listed as Intellectual, is a Snob, is a Gentleman, is a Good Guy, and is a Scot. He Learns to like Dr Q. Huaong, and He Learns To Hate Edgar "Nails" Smorth. Those two kind of come out of nowhere, especially since Madlab is not recruitable. It will stand for now as I do the research on that. For v1.04, Madlab will not be Buddies with but will be favorably disposed to the Scottish mercs (Ernie "Red" Spragg, Walter Yuntz, and Howard "Carp" Melfield).

Keith Hemps . . . is listed as somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is American. I will add Phlegmatic, as he confirms he would "rather just sit at home and have the Mrs. bring me my dinner." I also gave him Technician Skill as his Mechanical Ability is high. Otherwise, he is a merchant, and there is more about him on the Merchants page. He is not recruitable.

Matt Duncan . . . is listed as somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. I will add Phlegmatic and give him Engineer Skill. He is Greg "Dynamo" Duncan's brother, a Head Miner, and not recruitable (though in some mods he is).

Mike . . . is listed as American. I have to immediately add Loner, considering his history. As mentioned above, Robert James "Scully" Sullivan thinks of Mike as a Buddy, and it is mutual. That, and Fox's comments on Mike, earn him a level of Sexism. I am adding Carl "Reaper" Sheppards to his mutual Buddy list also. I also added Snob and cares a lot about that, and Attractive and cares a lot about that. He is recruitable under certain circumstances.

Daryl Hick . . .is listed as Ugly, is a Slob, is very Sexist, is very Racist, and is Arulcan. I have added Hates Americans very much (see Darrel Hick above), the Trait of Malicious, the Disability of Psycho, and have added the Skills of Hunter, Melee and Night Ops. Daryl is not recruitable.

Herve Santos, Peter Santos, Alberto Santos, Carlo Santos, and Manny Santos . . . the quintuplet bartenders are all the same in stats except Manny. The other 4 are listed as Attractive, are Good Guys, and are Arulcan.  Manny is listed as the same plus he is a Slob (and he has lower ability scores). Otherwise, they are merchants and are not recruitable.

Oswald Johnston . . .is listed as a Good Guy, and is American. He is one of the head miners, yet his ability scores in Explosives and Mechanical are below dismal, almost non-existent. I have given him Engineer Skill. He is not recruitable.

Calvin Barkmore . . . is listed as a Loner, is Psycho, is Ugly and cares a lot about that, is a Slob and cares a lot about that, is very Sexist, is not a Good Guy, is Arulcan, and Hates Canadians very much. Another of the head miners, I have given him the Engineer Skill. He is not recruitable, though he is in some mods. Obviously, the designers were portraying someone they did not like.

Carl Tercel . . . is listed as Nervous, is a Good Guy, and is Arulcan. Another head miner, I have given him the Engineer Skill. He is not recruitable, though he is in some mods.

Gaston Cavalier . . . is listed as a Show Off (originally Arrogant), is Attractive, is a Snob and cares somewhat about that, is a Gentleman, is French, and Hates Americans very much. He is mutual Buddies with Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, and is a non-mutual Buddy with Monica "Buns" Sondergaard. I am adding Victoria "Vicki" Waters (not mutual) and Alan "Spam" Webster (mutual) to his buddy list. He Learns To Like Louisa "Buzz" Garneau (not mutual). He Hates Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau, Sheila "Scope" Sterling, and Florence Gabriel, while Learning To Hate Biff Apscott. That is quite a varied listing -- and I have to wonder where Sidney Nettleson is -- so Sidney takes Flo's place, as Flo being on the list just isn't well thought out. She is the only only French person for him to associate with, and she's a woman -- so she goes on his Buddy list. Adding to Gaston's Hated list is the inclusion of Colonel Frederick Biggins (mutual); in order to ensure the old British-French hatreds are not over-shadowed by the new disdain of all things American (except American women, it seems).

Lt. "Stogie" Horge . . . is listed as Aggressive, is a Slob and cares a lot about that, is somewhat Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is American. He has John "Bull" Peters and Biff Apscott on his Buddy list. Say what? Biff? Give me a break. I don't care what Speck T. Kline says, Biff is not an appropriate Buddy to Stogie. That just breaks the whole role-play aspect of things right there, so it is removed immediately. Instead, on Stogie's Buddy list will go Major Spike Scallion, Colonel Leo Kelly (both mutual), and Corporal Len Anderson (not mutual). Gus Tarballs (not mutual) is on his Learn To Like list. On his Hated list are Trevor Colby and Norma "Meltdown" Jessop. It really seems as though somebody just rolled some dice to place people on Stogie's Buddy & Hated lists. Both Trevor and Meltdown are coming off the hated List, Meltdown is going on to his buddy list (not mutual). Biff Apscott, Lt. Bud Hellar and Unusually Ruthless Reuben (all not mutual) are going on Stogie's Hated list, as well as Janno "Brain" Allik and Lennart "Scream" Vilde (both mutual), and in his Learn To Hate slot goes Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov (mutual). If Stogie was supposed to have a schizophrenic split-personalty . . . it should have been mentioned somewhere.

Tex Colburn . . .is listed as a Show Off, is very Sexist, is a Good Guy, and is Japanese. On his Buddy List is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman and recovering Larry Roachburn. On his Learn To Like list is Mike -- which I take to be a bit of misplaced idol worship. Tex has nobody on his Hated list or in his Learn To Hate slot. I filled the rest of his Buddy list with two-gun shooters like himself: Victoria "Vicki" Waters, Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (both not mutual), and Jimmy Upton (mutual). I am leaving his Hated list empty. As a B-Movie Star he needs as many fans as he can get (meaning, he will work with anyone).

Colonel Frederick Biggins . . . is listed as an Optimist, is a Snob, is a Gentleman, and is British. On his Buddy list he now has Trevor Colby, Sidney Nettleson, and Sheila "Scope" Sterling (all mutual). On his Hated list is Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau (mutual), and now also Gaston Cavalier (mutual). the Colonel will otherwise stay as is.

Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov . . .is listed as a Loner, of Average Appearance and cares somewhat about that, of Average Refinement and cares somewhat about that, and is Russian. On his Buddy list is Dr. Laura Colin (mutual). On his Hated list is Ivan Dolvich (not mutual) and Corporal Len Anderson (mutual). In Monk's Learn To Hate slot is Dr. Clifford Highball (not mutual). That is an eclectic group, and I am not sure what holds it together, but I will add Lennart "Scream" Vilde (mutual) to his Buddy list for now, and Carl "Reaper" Sheppards to his Learn To Like slot.

Janno "Brain" Allik . . .is listed as a Loner, is of Average Refinement and cares a lot about that, is a Good Guy, and is Estonian. He has Lennart "Scream" Vilde (mutual) on his Buddy list, Graziella "Grace" Girelli in his Learn To Like slot (mutual), Sidney Nettleson (not Mutual) and Doug "Gasket" Milton (mutual) on his Hated list, and Carl "Reaper" Sheppards in his Learn To Hate slot (mutual). I have moved Grace on to his automatic Buddy list, and have moved Manuel Rivas (not mutual), an in-country Loner, in to his Learn To Like slot. He seems to be an aloof kind of guy so I will let him stay right there for now.

Lennart "Scream" Vilde . . . is listed as Assertive (originally Arrogant), is somewhat Racist, is somewhat Sexist, is Estonian, and Hates the Chinese. On his Buddy list is Janno "Brain" Allik, and in his Learn To Like slot is Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov (both mutual). I am bumping Monk into Scream's automatic Buddy List and making it mutual. Into his Learn To Like slot goes Igmus "Iggy" Palkov (not mutual). On his Hated list is Dr. Q. Huaong and Doug "Gasket" Milton (both mutual), and in his Learn To Hate slot is Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts (mutual). I am adding Thor Kaufman, Gary Roachburn, and Colonel Leon Roachburn (all mutual) to Scream's Hated list.

Henning von Branitz . . .is listed as Homely, is a Snob and cares somewhat about that, and is German. I will mention that his Disability is Claustrophobia, not a Fear of Insects as is reported on some Web pages. His Buddy list includes Rudolf Steiger, Stephen Rothman, and Robert James "Scully" Sullivan (all mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Fidel Dahan (now mutual). I am filling out his Buddy list with Dr. Laura Colin (mutual) and Helmut "Grunty" Grunther (not mutual). On his Hated list is Thor Kaufman (mutual), and on his Learn To Hate list is Tim "Numb" Sutton (not mutual). I will add Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Frankie "Haywire" Gordon, and Bill "Razor" Lamont to his Hated list (all not mutual).

Luc "Lucky" Fabre . . .is listed as a Show Off (originally Big Shot), of Average Refinement and cares somewhat about that, is Belgian, and Hates the French. I am increasing his Appearance to Attractive and cares somewhat about that -- going by his portrait with his neatly trimmed mustache, beard & hair, and his fashionably black outfit. On his Buddy list are the new entries of John "Bull" Peters, Edgar "Nails" Smorth, and Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson (all mutual) and he Learns To Like Barry Unger (not mutual). On his Hated list is Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau (not mutual). I added Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Bill "Razor" Lamont, and Gaston Cavalier (all not mutual). On his Learn To Hate list is Florence "Flo" Gabriel.

Dr. Laura Colin . . . is listed as Dauntless (originally Friendly), of Average Appearance and cares about that somewhat, of Average Refinement and cares about that somewhat, and is Romanian. Going by her portrait she is Attractive, so that is what she is in Arulco Vacations. It is known that she and Rudolf Steiger are romantically involved, and of course they are mutual Buddies. Also on her Buddy list are Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, Henning von Branitz, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, and Stephen Rothman (all mutual). On her Hated list is Louisa "Buzz" Garneau (not mutual), and in her Learn To Hate slot is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman (not mutual). I will add Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Bill "Razor" Lamont and Doug "Gasket" Milton (none mutual) to her Hated list.

Graziella "Grace" Girelli . . .is listed as Intellectual (originally Pessimist), is very Sexist, is Italian, and Hates the Scots. Her Buddy list includes Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston and new addition Frank "Hitman" Hennessy (both mutual). She has Janno "Brain" Allik (mutual) in her Learn To Like slot. On her Hated list is Ernie "Red" Spragg (mutual) and Tim "Numb" Sutton (not mutual), while her Learn To Hate slot is filled by Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (not mutual). I am going to give her the following new mutual Buddies: Russel "Rusty" Hunter, Barry Unger, and Mary Beth Wilkens. Her Hated list will now include Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, and Carl "Reaper" Sheppards (none mutual).

Rudolf Steiger . . . is listed as Aggressive (originally Friendly), is a Snob and cares somewhat about that, and is German. He is really not friendly at all, so I have no idea why he was ever listed as such. He could also easily be Psycho and nobody would argue. I am increasing his Care Level on his snobbery to cares very much. On his Buddy list are Dr. Laura Colin (his love interest), Henning von Branitz, Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, and Stephen Rothman (all mutual). He has Helmut "Grunty" Grunther (not mutual) in his Learn To Like slot. On his Hated list is Doug "Gasket" Milton, and his Learn To Hate slot has John "Bull" Peters in it. I am adding drunk Larry Roachburn, Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner and Bill "Razor" Lamont to his Hated list.

Gregory "Spooky" Block . . . is listed as a Loner, and is Psycho. He had nobody on his Buddy list before this, only Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts on his Learn To Like list, and Kyle "Shadow" Simmons on his Hated list. I have no idea why Lynx-Eyed would be Spooky's Buddy, or Shadow be a Hated. I would understand them reversed. Unfortunately there is some hard-coded dialogue regarding them so they will remain as a testament to Spooky's insanity. I have added Carl "Reaper" Sheppards, Tim "Numb" Sutton, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner (all mutual) to his Buddy list. The first two are loners like himself, Leech is suitably inconsiderate of human life, and Skitz is a kindred Psycho. To his hated list goes Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball, the racist Afrikaner.

Bruce "Skitz" Bonner . . . is listed as Primitive (originally Aggressive), is Psycho, is Ugly, and is a Slob and cares somewhat about that. I am changing the Primitive to Malicious as it much more accurately describes Skitz. On his Buddy list is drunk Larry Roachburn. New to his Buddy list are Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Fidel Dahan, Gregory "Spooky" Block and Bill "Razor" Lamont (all mutual). On his Hated list is Megan "Sparky" Roachburn, and new to his Hated list is Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, Herman "Turtle" Regents, and Thornton "Bubba" Jones.

Willy "Weasel" Augustin . . . is listed as Aggressive (originally Asshole), is somewhat Racist, and is very Sexist. He has nobody on his original Buddy list, and on his Hated list is Edward "Ears" Stockwell (mutual for Arulco Vacations) and Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (mutual). I put Vincenzo "Vinnie" Massimo and Graziella "Grace" Girelli (both not mutual) on his Buddy list. Weasel is Hated by Russel "Rusty" Hunter (not mutual). He is not the kind of guy to get close to anyone except the one slipping him some cash, so I will let him stand as is for now.

Carl "It" Goodman . . .  is listed as Phlegmatic (originally Friendly), is Ugly, and is a Slob. I have to say Phlegmatic is not the most appropriate Trait for a professional wrestler at all, so I am switching it back to what his original was, basically, Sociable. On his Buddy list is Mike (not mutual), Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski, Edgar "Nails" Smorth, Roger "Dyno" Wittman, and Florence "Flo" Gabriel (all new & mutual for Arulco Vacations). He Learns To Like Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman (not mutual). On his Hated list is Murray "Moses" Ebstern and Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau (both not mutual). I am adding Unusually Ruthless Reuben and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner (both not mutual).

Dr. Bernie Gloveless . . .is listed as Neutral (originally Arrogant), is Forgetful, is Ugly, and is a Slob. I removed the Trait of Neutral and replaced it with Dauntless in order to keep more in line with Bernie's character. He doesn't have any Buddies, and only Unusually Ruthless Reuben is on his Hated list. He is liked by Hurl E. Cutter and I will make that mutual by putting Hurl on his Buddy list. He is disliked by Glen "Boss" Hatchet and Major Spike Scallion. I am adding Boss to his Hated list (mutual) as Boss is noted as giving Bernie a pummelling at one of A.I.M.'s Christmas parties.

Murray "Pops" McGillicutty . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), is Forgetful, is Ugly and cares a lot about that, and is very Sexist. He has Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman on his Buddy list, but she famously has him on her Hated list. I am adding Mary Beth Wilkens and Florence "Flo" Gabriel to hid Buddy list -- and of course it is not mutual. There is nobody on his Hated list, and that will stay as it is because he's forgotten them all.

Walter "Wally" Yuntz . . .is listed as Intellectual (originally Big Shot), is Homely, is of Average Refinement and cares about that a lot, is a Good guy, and is very Sexist. On his Buddy list is Dr. Mitch Shudlem. I have added recovering Larry Roachburn, Howard "Carp" Melfield, and Ernie "Red" Spragg (all mutual). On his Hated list is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman (not mutual).

Dr. Eli Summers . . . is listed as Neutral, is a Snob and cares a lot about that, and is somewhat Sexist. He has Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball on his mutual Buddy list -- which makes him one of those "I'm not racist" racists, so he gets very Racist added to him. I am also giving him Stephen Rothman as a Buddy (not mutual). On his Hated list is Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, and I will add Unusually Ruthless Reuben.

Dr. Mitch Shudlem . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Big Shot), and is otherwise Neutral. While Pacifist and Big Shot do not go together his bio does reflect his pacifism so I will keep it as that. However, I am adding 'Snob at Care Level 2 (very)' to his profile to fully bring him in line with the original Big Shot and the rest of his bio. He has nobody on his Buddy list, and has only Hurl E. Cutter on his Hated list. That fits, as he would probably consider everybody the same as Unusually Ruthless Reuben, and only hates Hurl because of the constant hypochondriac bother that he is.

Howard "Carp" Melfield . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), is Ugly, and is a Good Guy. He originally had nobody on his Buddy list but now has Walter "Wally" Yuntz, recovering Larry Roachburn, and Ernie "Red" Spragg. Additionally, I am adding Mary Beth Wilkens to his Buddy list, as a new person he would try to impress, and Dr. Raffito "Raffi" Leevon, as a fellow Scot (half-Scot anyway) and fellow covert operator (in Arulco Vacations). All of them are mutual. On his Hated list is Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (mutual). I will take it that his resentment toward Meltdown is personal, and that his type of Dauntless personality would prevent him from refusing to work with any others. Therefore, nobody else will be added to his Hated list.

Lance Fisher . . .is listed as Pacifist (originally Coward), is Nervous, and is Homely. Again, Pacifist is not the definition of Coward -- if you've ever seen a pacifist stand up to a line of armed soldiers you would know pacifism takes an extraordinary amount of courage. Instead, Lance is more suited with the Trait of Intellectual, which is what I will give him. According to his bio he is an author and a teacher. yes, he's also a coward -- and the Nervous disability takes care of that. The Trait of Intellectual also carries with it combat penalties, and his Character Background is still that of Coward and has the appropriate penalties -- so all is good. His Buddy list has Biff Apscott on it, and his Hated list has Frankie "Haywire" Gordon (both mutual). I will leave it at that.

Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon . . . is listed as Primitive (originally Optimist), is Ugly, and is a Slob and cares somewhat. Once more, Primitive is not an appropriate Trait for this character -- especially when he original was so different and there still is that Trait of Optimist available for him. He gets the Optimist Trait back in Arulco Vacations. His Buddy list originally only had Reverend Clyde Potter (mutual), but now also has Biff Apscott, Fidel Dahan, and Howard "Carp" Melfield (all mutual). Biff because he's scared of everybody else, Fidel because Raffi makes him laugh, and for Carp, see above. His Hated list has only Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan (mutual in Arulco Vacations). Raffi has Kris "Chris" Karver, The Imposter, on his Learn To Like list in anticipation for when I make all the Terrorists recruitable.

Wink E. Dickerson . . . is listed as Assertive (originally Pessimist), is Homely, is Average Refinement and cares somewhat, and is a Good Guy. He originally had nobody on his Buddy or Hated lists. Add to his Buddy list are Megan "Sparky" Roachburn, Russel "Rusty" Hunter, Samuel Garver, and John Kulba (all mutual). Let's say they all are baseball fans (actually, they are all Good Guys). On his Hated list will go Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Bill "Razor" Lamont, and Timothy "Leech" Jenkins (none mutual).

Speck T. Kline . . .is listed as Intellectual (originally Big Shot), is Nervous, is Homely and cares somewhat, and is a Snob. He has Victoria "Vicki" Waters (not mutual) and Biff Apscott (mutual) as Buddies, and on his Hated list he has Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (mutual). I will leave him right there for now.

Elio . . . is listed as Primitive (originally Aggressive), is Average Appearance and cares somewhat, and is Metaviran. We still have the Trait of Aggressive so that is what I will change him back to. His Buddy list now includes Hamous, Juan, and Wahan (all mutual). His Learn To Like slot now has Dimitri Guzzo (mutual). His Hated list will remain empty.

Juan . . . is listed as Neutral (originally Pessimist), and is Metaviran. His Buddy list now includes his fellow Metavirans: Hamous, Elio and Wahan. His Learn To Like slot is now occupied by Jack "Postie" Durham (mutual), as Postie has this thing about being a labour representative for the lowest paid employees . . . and Juan is third-lowest, just ahead of Unusually Ruthless Reuban and Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon. As with the other Metavirans his Hated list remains empty.

Wahan . . . is listed as Primitive (originally Big Shot), is Homely, is a Slob and cares somewhat, and is Metaviran. His Buddy list includes Dr. Q. Huaong, Thor Kaufman, Hamous, Elio, and Juan. I am replacing his Primitive with Dauntless as it better suits his persona. His Hated list remains empty.

Jack "Postie" Durham . . .is listed as Malicious (originally Coward), is Nervous, and is a Slob and cares a lot about that. Postie's persona doesn't strike me as cowardly at all, so Malicious is good -- but Nervous definitely needs to be replaced with Psycho. Anybody who will stand up for Unusually Ruthless Reuben is definately more psycho than cowardly. His Buddy list now has Frankie "Haywire" Gordon on it, and I will bump Unusually Ruthless Reuben off his Learn To Like slot into his automatic Buddy slot. Also going on his Buddy list will be Timothy "Leech" Jenkins, Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon, and Juan (all mutual). His Hated list includes Monica "Buns" Sondergaard (not mutual) and Charlene "Raven" Higgens (mutual). I will add Gus Tarballs and Gary Roachburn (mutual) and Edward "Ears" Stockwell (not mutual) to his Hated list as he supposes he has a mission to protect the lowest paid mercenaries (Raffi, Reuben & Juan) and fight against management (Gus) and snitches (Gary & Ears). Lt. Bud Hellar, another snitch, is on Postie's Learn To Hate list.

Unusually Ruthless Reuban . . .is listed as Malicious (originally Asshole), is Psycho, is Ugly, is a Slob, is somewhat Sexist, is very Racist, is Romanian, and Hates Russians somewhat. He is also listed as Hispanic -- the only odd Race designation that I have caught among all these characters. Perhaps it is being used to depict the Roma, as I seems likely to be intentional as the default is White. Whatever, it will stand as it is. On his Buddy list is Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Jack "Postie" Durham, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins (all three mutual), Bill "Razor" Lamont, and Frankie "Haywire" Gordon (both not mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Kevin "Maddog" Cameron (not mutual). On his Hated list are Monica "Buns" Sondergaard, Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, Thornton "Bubba" Jones, and Ivan Dolvich (all mutual) who is bumped off the Learn To Hate slot into the automatic Hated list. Replacing him in the Learn To Hate slot is his nephew, Igor Dolvich (mutual).

Col. Leon Roachburn . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), is Forgetful, is Homely, is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, is a Good Guy, and is very Sexist. His Buddy list has Samuel Garver on it, and I will also add Murray "Pops" McGillicutty and Murray "Moses" Ebstern (all mutual). His Hated list includes Gary Roachburn, Megan "Sparky" Roachburn, recovering and drunk Larry Roachburn and Lennart "Scream" Vilde. His Learn To Hate slot has Sparky on it again, so I will remove her and place Scream's buddy Janno "Brain" Allik in it.

Gary Roachburn . . .is listed as Primitive (originally Arrogant), and is somewhat Sexist. I am replacing Primitive with Show Off as Gary's self-aggrandizing persona is much closer to Show Off than Primitive. On his Buddy list is Mike (not mutual), Bobby "Steroid" Gontarski (mutual), Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman (not mutual) and Robert James "Scully" Sullivan (not mutual). On his Hated list is recovering and drunk Larry Roachburn, Lennert "Scream" Vilde, Jack "Postie" Durham, and John "Bull" Peters. In his Learn To Hate slot is Murray "Moses" Ebstern (mutual).

Megan "Sparky" Roachburn . . .is listed as a Show Off (originally Coward), is of Average Appearance and cares a lot about it, is somewhat Sexist, and is a Good Guy. I have to wonder about the original Coward designation, but since that is gone, and Show Off fits her Valley Girl persona (and now runs in the family), all is well as it is. On her Buddy list is recovering and drunk Larry Roachburn, Wink E. Dickerson, Anita "Mouse" Backman, and Mary Beth Wilkens (all mutual). On her Hated list is Gary Roachburn, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins, Jimmy Upton, Earl "Magic" Walker, and Thornton "Bubba" Jones (all not mutual). In her Learn To Hate slot is Hurl E. Cutter (not mutual).

Mary Beth Wilkens . . .is listed as Intellectual (originally Friendly), is Nervous, is a Babe, and is a Good Guy. Her Buddy list now includes Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, Thor Kaufman, Graziella "Grace" Girelli, Howard "Carp" Melfield, and Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo (all mutual). Her Learn To Like slot has Megan "Sparky" Anderson in it. Her Hated list has only one name on it: Murray "Pops" McGillicutty. As a nod to her original Friendly designation I will only add Unusually Ruthless Reuben to her Hated list -- and I adjusted her Opinion list so that she will get along with almost everybody.

Samuel Garver . . .is listed as Sociable (originally Friendly), is Shortsighted, is Homely, is a Good Guy, is American, and Hates Russians somewhat. His Buddy list includes Colonel Leon Roachburn, Wink E. Dickerson, Colonel Leo Kelly, Major Spike Scallion (all mutual), and Gus Tarballs (not mutual). On his Learn To Like list is Corporal Len Anderson (not mutual). On his Hated list goes Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins, Bill "Razor" Lamont, and Lance Fisher (all not mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot is Ivan Dolvich.

Hurl E. Cutter . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Pessimist), and is Nervous. Hurl is a hypochondriac so having Average Care Levels is not keeping in line with his Character Background. Therefore, I am assigning him Care Levels of 2 (very) in Appearance and Refinement. His Buddy list now has D. Bernie Gloveless, Biff Apscott, and Tim "Gumpy" Hillman (all mutual). I am adding Lance Fisher and Speck T. Kline (both mutual). His Hated list is empty and will remain that way.

Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan . . . is listed as Phlegmatic (originally Big Shot), and is Homely. He was originally listed as "Arab", but since there is no such Nationality I have assigned him Iraqi. As well, Phlegmatic is not a good match for the original Big Shot or his in-game persona. I am assigning him Assertive for his Trait. His Buddy list includes Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim (mutual in Arulco Vacations). Adding to his Buddy list I will include Dr. Daniel "Danny" Quinten (not mutual), Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, and Dr. Q. Huaong (both mutual). In his Learn To Like slot will go Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont (mutual). His Hated list has on it Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon (mutual).I will add to his Hated list Thor Kaufman and Wahan (both not mutual).

Manuel Rivas . . .is listed as a Loner, is Arulcan, and a Good Guy. He has on his Buddy list Miguel Cordona, Carlos Dasouza, Dimitri Guzzo, Ira Smythe and his wife, Fatima (all mutual). Dr. Vincent "Vince" Beaumont (mutual) is in his Learn To nLike slot. On his Hated list are Mike, Lt. Conrad Gillitt, Ricardo "Rat" Grimaldo, and Igmus "Iggy" Palkov (all not mutual).

Glen "Boss" Hatchet . . .is listed as Aggressive (originally Arrogant), is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat about that. His Buddy list now consists of Patrick "Screw" Phillips, Victoria "Vicki" Waters, John "Bull" Peters, and Edgar "Nails" Smorth (all mutual). On his Hated list is Dr. Bernie Gloveless (mutual in Arulco Vacations).

Johnny "Snake" Edwards . . .is listed as a Loner. He is neutral/average in all other attributes we are concerned with on this page. His Buddy list includes Ice Williams (not mutual), Carl "Reaper" Sheppards, and Bill "Razor" Lamont (both mutual). He doesn't have anyone on his Hated list, but I am putting Biff Apscott, Lance Fisher, and Hurl E. Cutter there (all not mutual).

Alan "Spam" Webster . . . is listed as an Optimist, is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, is a Gentleman, and is a Good Guy. On his Buddy list he has Helmut "Grunty" Grunther and Dr. Michael "MD" Dawson (both mutual). I am adding Gaston Cavalier (mutual), who was also a United Nations Peacekeeper like Spam was. Also, Captain Bob Adams (mutual) who, like Spam, is new to actual (ground) combat. On his Hated list is Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon. Joining Raffi are Lance Fisher, Lt. Bud Hellar, and Biff Apscott (all not mutual).

Major Spike Scallion . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), od Average Appearance and cares somewhat, and is a Good Guy. His Buddy list is full and includes Kyle "Shadow" Simmons, Corporal Len Anderson, Sheila "Scope" Sterling, Norma "Meltdown" Jessop, and Samuel Garver (all mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Lt. Stogie Horge (mutual). On his Hated list is Dr. Bernie Gloveless (not mutual). I will add Lance Fisher, Lt. Bud Hellar, and Biff Apscott (all not mutual). In his Learn To Hate slot is Monica "Buns" Sondergaard (not mutual).

Jimmy Upton . . .is listed as Phlegmatic (originally Arrogant), is Homely, and is a Slob and cares somewhat about that. Phlegmatic is not exactly a good trait for a professional thief or his in-game persona. I am changing it to Aggressive. His Buddy list includes Earl "Magic" Walker and Tex Colburn (both mutual). I am adding Vincenzo "Vinnie" Massimo, Willy "Weasel" Augustin (both mutual), and Edgar "Nails" Smorth (not mutual) to his Buddy list. On his Hated list are Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts (not mutual), Frank "Hitman" Hennessy and Ron "Raider" Higgens (both mutual). I am also adding Thornton "Bubba" Jones and Herman "Turtle" Regents (both mutual) to his Hated list. Charlene "Raven" Higgens (not mutual) goes in his Learn To Hate slot.

Timothy "Leech" Jenkins . . .is listed as Malicious (originally Asshole), is Ugly, is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, is somewhat Racist, and is somewhat Sexist.On his Buddy list he has Jack "Postie" Durham, Unusually Ruthless ReubenGregory "Spooky" Block, (all mutual), and Bill "Razor" Lamont (not mutual). On his Hated list is Bruce "Skitz" Bonner. Adding to the Hated list are Willy "Weasel" Augustin, Lance Fisher, Biff Apscott and Lt. Bud Hellar (none mutual).

Captain Bob Adams . . .is listed as Assertive (originally Friendly). That is it. However, I am adding a Care Level of 1 (somewhat) to his Average Appearance and Average Refinement due to his in-game persona. On his Buddy list are Lt. Bud Hellar, Dr. Donna "Spider" Houston, Corporal Len Anderson, Alan "Spam" Webster, and Colonel Leo Kelly (all mutual). On his Hated list is Samuel Garver . . . don't ask me why as I think that's an odd one. I will add Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Timothy "Leech" Jenkins, and Bill "Razor" Lamont (all not mutual) to his Hated list.

Colonel Leo Kelly . . .is listed as Dauntless (originally Optimist), otherwise Average/Neutral in all other attributes considered here. I am changing him back to Optimist --  as we still have that designation. On his Buddy list are Norma "Meltdown" Jessop, Lt. "Stogie" Horge, Samuel Garver, and Capt. Bob Adams (all mutual). I am adding Corporal Len Anderson (not mutual) to that list, and in his Learn To Like slot goes Major Spike Scallion (not mutual). On his Hated list are Unusually Ruthless Reuben, Victor "Monk" Kolesnikov, Janno "Brain" Allik, and Lennart "Scream" Vilde (all not mutual).

Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo . . .is listed as Show Off (originally Pessimist), and is Italian. His in-game persona is definitely that of a Show off, so no change there. I am adding Care Level 1 (somewhat) to both his Average Appearance and Average Refinement. His Buddy list was empty, but now includes Mary Beth Wilkens, Trevor Colby, Earl "Magic" Walker, and Jimmy Upton (all mutual). His Hated list also was empty, but now includes Ron "Raider" Higgens, Herman "Turtle" Regents (both mutual), Thornton "Bubba" Jones, and Edward "Ears" Stockwell (both not mutual).

Marty "Kaboom" Moffat . . . is listed as Primitive (originally Friendly), is Deaf, is a Slob, and is a Good Guy. Well . . . Primitive and Friendly are not the same things at all. Yes, he is detrimentally affected by having been too close to things that went "Boom!" . . . but his persona demands Sociable instead of Primitive, and that is what I give him for Arulco Vacations. He is also supposed to be Forgetful, but that is taken care of by code and doesn't need to replace his designation of Deaf. His Buddy list included only Roger "Dyno" Wittman originally but now also includes Kirk "Static" Stevenson, Doug "Gasket" Milton, and Lesley "Smoke" Petersen (all mutual). In keeping with his bio which states "he is definitely one of the least discriminating members" he has nobody on his Hated list.

Lt. Bud Hellar . . .is listed as Sociable, and is a Snob. Well, a sociable snob who is also a snitch and corporate whore, eh? His Buddy list includes Captain Bob Adams, and from previous modifications above also includes Stephen Rothman and Robert James "Scully" Sullivan. I will now add Elroy B. Tolken, the CIA agent, and Edward "Ears" Stockwell, the surveillance expert, to that list -- all mutual. His Hated list includes Dr. Mitch Shudlem (not mutual), Keith "Blood" Hanson, and Frankie "Haywire" Gordon (both mutual).

Russel "Rusty" Hunter . . .is listed as a Pacifist (originally Friendly), is of Average Refinement and cares a lot about that, and is a Good Guy. Well . . . Pacifist isn't exactly the usual trait for an explosives expert, and Rusty isn't exactly very friendly either. I think Phlegmatic suits him much more than the other two designations, so that is what he gets in Arulco Vacations. His Buddy list originally had nobody on it, but now includes Ernie "Red" Spragg, Graziella "Grace" Girelli, and Wink E. Dickerson (all mutual). His hated list has Willy "Weasel" Augustine on it. I will add Lesley "Smoke" Petersen, Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Fidel Dahan, and Marty "Kaboom" Moffat (all not mutual) -- all explosives 'experts' who do not meet Rusty's high standards.

Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim . . .is listed as Phlegmatic (originally Pessimistic), is Shortsighted, and is a Good Guy. His Buddy list has only Dr. Ahmad "Doc" Koolhan (mutual in Arulco Vacations). I am adding Reverend Clyde Potter, Dr. Q. Huaong (both mutual), Keith "Blood" Hanson and Ice Williams (both not mutual) to his Buddy list. His Hated list only has Dr. Clifford Highball (mutual) on it, but I will add Dr. Eli Summers (not mutual), as well.

Patrick "Screw" Phillips . . .is listed as Aggressive (originally Asshole), and is Psycho. Yes, an aggressive psycho is a good interpretation of an asshole. But Screw is not defined as to the other attributes. He obviously qualifies for Ugly, and his unwavering attention to detail probably should warrant a Care Level of 2 (very) for his Average Refinement -- so he gets both in Arulco Vacations. His Buddy list includes Glen "Boss" Hatchet and John "Bull" Peters (both mutual). I am adding Edgar "Nails" Smorth and Ernie "Red" Spragg (both not mutual) to his Buddy list, as well. His Hated list includes only Captain Bob Adams, but I will extend it to include Lt. Bud Hellar, Biff Apscott, Lance Fisher (all not mutual).

Elroy B. Tolken . . .is listed as a Loner, is of Average refinement and cares a lot about that, and is somewhat of a Sexist. His Buddy list now includes Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, Edward "Ears" Stockwell, Herman "Turtle" Regents, and Lt. Bud Hellar (all mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Robert James "Scully" Sullivan. His Hated list includes Keith "Blood" Hanson (mutual), Carl "It" Goodman, and Unusually Ruthless Reuben (both not mutual).

Anita "Mouse" Backman . . .is listed as an Optimist (originally Loner), is a Babe, is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, and is very Sexist. On her Buddy list is Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel, her love interest, Norma "Meltdown" Jessop, Louisa "Buzz" Garneau, Megan "Sparky" Roachburn (all mutual), and Mary Beth Wilkens (not mutual). On her Hated list is Cynthia "Fox" Guzzman, Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts, Robert James "Scully" Sullivan, Unusually Ruthless Reuben, and Bruce "Skitz" Bonner

Hector Alvarez . . .is listed as Sociable. Otherwise he is Average/Neutral in all other attributes we are concerned with on this page. His Buddy list includes Hamous, Victoria "Vicki" Waters, Elio, Juan, and Wahan (all mutual). He learns to like Carlos Dasouza (not mutual). His Hated list includes Lesley "Smoke" Petersen, Elroy B. Tolken, and Unusually Ruthless Reuben (all not mutual).

Reverend Clyde Potter . . .is listed as Sociable (originally Big Shot), is of Average Refinement and cares a lot about that, is somewhat Sexist, and is not a Good Guy (just sayin'). I don't think Sociable entirely fits his in-game persona and bio so I have changed it to Assertive.  am also changing his Appearance to Attractive to put him more in line with his portrait and the stereotype of the charismatic preacher. His Buddy list now incudes Ice Williams, Barry Unger, Dr. Raffitto "Raffi" Leevon, (all mutual), Victoria "Vicki" Waters and Earl "Magic" Walker (both not mutual) In his Learn To Like slot is now James "Skyrider" Bullock (mutual). On his Hated list is Unusually Ruthless Reuben -- the only mercenary the right Reverend deems not capable of salvation.

Dr. Margaret "Stella" Trammel . . . is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), is Ugly, and is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat about that. Ugly is a bit of a stretch here according to her portrait -- and truly, if she is ugly then a lot more mercenaries have to be labelled as such. Therefore I am upgrading her Appearance to Homely. Her Buddy list now includes Anita "Mouse" Backman, Gus Tarballs, Louisa "Buzz" Garneau, Norma "Meltdown" Jessop (all mutual), and Commander Jane Shepard (not mutual). In her Learn To Like slot is Victoria "Vicki" Waters (not mutual). On her Hated list is Hurl E. Cutter, Biff Apscott, (both not mutual), Ernie "Red" Spragg, Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts, and Robert James "Scully" Sullivan (all 3 mutual). In her Learn To Hate slot is Dr. Clifford "Cliff" Highball (mutual).

Edward "Ears" Stockwell . . . is listed as Malicious (originally Arrogant), is Homely and cares somewhat about that, is of Average Refinement and cares somewhat, and is a Gentleman. His Buddy list now includes Ron "Raider" Higgens, Lt. Bud Hellar, Elroy B.Tolken, Herman "Turtle" Regents (all mutual) and Thornton "Bubba" Jones (not mutual). In his Learn To Like slot is Charlene "Raven" Higgens (not mutual). On his Hated list are Jean Pierre "La Malice" Viau and Willy "Weasel" Augustin (both mutual).

Murray "Moses" Ebstern . . .is listed as Intellectual (originally Friendly), is Forgetful, and otherwise has designations of Average/Neutral in all relevant attributes to this page. I take exception with the Intellectual attribution along with Forgetful, especially when the original was Friendly. The absent-minded professor is not exactly his stereotype. Therefore I have designated him as Sociable. His Buddy list originally included only Murray "Pops" McGillicutty (mutual). It now includes Colonel Leon Roachburn (mutual), Samuel Garver, and Corporal Len Anderson (not mutual). On his Hated list is Gary Roachburn (mutual).

Lesley "Smoke" Petersen . . .is listed as Primitive (originally Asshole), is Homely and cares somewhat, is a Slob and cares a lot, and is somewhat Sexist. Primitive is not nearly the same thing as Asshole . . . so that gets changed to Malicious in order to stay in line with his very dangerous practical jokery with explosives. His low Wisdom score will keep that "primitive" aspect in his character without the need to double he penalty. His Buddy list includes Marty "Kaboom" Moffats (mutual) and Doug "Gasket" Milton (not mutual). His Hated list is empty -- because he won't refuse working with someone he doesn't like, as they make perfect targets for his explosive practical jokes.

Roger "Dyno" Wittman . . .is listed as Assertive (originally Friendly) is Nervous, is Ugly, and is very Sexist. Wait a minute, I have a major problem with all of that. First off, his in-game persona is not assertive, it is friendly -- so Dyno gets Sociable. He is not ugly. Homely, perhaps, but not ugly -- so he gets Homely. Also, he has to have a Care Level of 2 (very) for his Average Refinement -- that goes without saying, think about it. As for Nervous . . . well . . . that is a tough one to pin down. He's not quite the pacifist, not quite a coward, not quite a mercenary and not quite not a mercenary. I will leave Nervous as is -- he gets Sociable now so Nervous works together with that -- meaning, he gets bonuses from working in a team (Sociable), but gets penalties when left alone (Sociable & Nervous). I can accept that for him. It makes it imperative that he be the "mascot", that he always be with the team in some capacity. His expertise with explosives, his very high Agility & Dexterity and his almost-good medical should make it easy to find a spot on any team, actually -- once you get past that purple dinosaur voice. His Buddy list has only Carl "It" Goodman and Barry Unger on it -- but ain't that enough? Don't mess with a friend of It, yo. That also keeps in line with his bio which states "some of the guys liked having him along for the laughs while others enjoyed cleaning their rifles with him". Having him around for laughs is not the same as wanting to be on the battlefield with him. There is nobody on his Hated list, and it will stay like that. By the way, he is not a Good Guy -- in case you were wondering.

Herman "Turtle" Regents . . . is listed as Dauntless (originally Big Shot), is Ugly, and is a Slob. His Buddy list originally only had Mike (not mutual) on it, but now also has Ron "Raider" Higgens, Charlene "Raven" Higgens, Edward "Ears" Stockwell, Elroy B. Tolken, and Thornton "Bubba" Jones (all mutual). His Hated list includes Unusually Ruthless Reuben (not mutual), Bruce "Skitz" Bonner, Edgar "Nails" Smorth, Jimmy Upton, and Vincenzo "Vinny" Massimo (all mutual).

Commander Jane Shepard . . . is listed as Dauntless, is Attractive and cares somewhat, is a Slob and cares somewhat, and is somewhat Sexist. She had Colonel Leo Kelly on her Buddy list but I am removing him. That leaves nobody on her Buddy list, and as a Renegade that is appropriate. On her Hated list are Lt. Conrad Gillett, Carl "Reaper" Sheppards, and Robert James "Scully" Sullivan. I am removing Gillett and Sullivan, leaving Sheppards. I should have done that when I first added her to the game, but left her with what she came with. But then, she was basically the "Sentinal" version of the Jane Shepard character when I imported her, and since then I have made her into the "Renegade" version of the character. What she has against Reaper . . . I will leave to the imagination.

That finishes all the characters! Now I have to go back over everything and correct mistakes, omissions, and other glitches before wrapping this Tweak up for play. Future tweaks, aside from corrections, of MercProfiles.XML and MercOpinions.XML will be to round out MercOpinions.XML to account for the less than Buddy & Hated relationships. Many entries in all the characters are zeroed out because they never actually met before v1.13. Here in Arulco Vacations it is assumed not only have they met, but they have formed definite opinions of each other.


  1. Hi ed, as announced, a few code clarifications and personal feedback:

    - Sexism: 'Gentleman' isn't meant ironically, as you describe it. Mercs with that value do rate people of the opposite gender higher or lower depending on their appearance at all. The only game part where this comes into play is when a woman is married off to the Hicks: a male gentleman's morale is lowered by MORALE_MERC_MARRIED in that case. Sexist women get the same morale drop, very sexist women two times.
    - Good guy: good guys will complain if the player kills civilians or uses excessive violence, and compliment on taking prisoners (dynamic pinions). NPC's don't become angry with them for damaging their house if the player is currently fighting the enemy here.
    Most importantly, they will refuse to shoot other good guys or neutral NPCs. This basically includes all civilians, but, interestingly, as a result they can still attack other non-good mercs (this is so odd that I'm considering changing that to all mercs (perhaps not the hated ones?) (note that any merc will refuse to attack their buddies). The rebel RPCs will also refuse to attack other rebel RPCs or civilians.
    - Not any issue with your data, but note that I recently fixed a vanilla bug that caused AIM mercs to be recruitable even though a hated one was in Arulco and they should have declined. It's in the trunk, perhaps seven will merge it to his exes.
    - The while South Africa mess was likely a result of SirTech simply trying to make Blood hate Cliff even more. As we don't check whether we hate our own nationality, you can set both to South African and be done with that. Then again, that bites with Ice hating South Africans. Hmm. If all else fails, we also have the generic 'African', in case that helps.
    - There are no 'hardcoded' hates, though you probably simply meant the dialogue.
    - Well, as said above, Barry isn't extremely sexist, at least not with default values.
    - 'Primitive' has nothing to do with sticking to nature medicine or anything like that. Perhaps the name might be a bit misleading. It just does what it does in the IMP description. Then again, what yu make of it is free to interpretation.
    - Disabilities, like forgetfulness, are not hardcoded - if you remove that from a forgetful character, well, he won't forget stuff anymore.
    - 'Hispanic' likely wasn't especially designed for Roma. It seems they added this on the fly without any deeper thoughts. 'Eskimo' is also a race...

    - I absolutely agree about Buns. Hmm. Perhaps I should take some of your changes and put them into stock.
    - Note that I've tweaked Shepard since you've added her, she nowadays has 6 Buddies and 6 Hated, all voiced. The hated ones shouldn't be too much of a stretch as far as your intepretation goes. Spike and Stogie are very peripheral - I was jsut grasping at straws, taking any merc that fit the vode line. Scully as a buddy is a bit of a problem. In Mass Effect 3, James Vega was a marine added to the squad. He somewhat resembled Scully: all in all capable, and a braggard, but not nearly as bad as Scully towards women. Shepard was more of a mentor-figure to him, and took his antics either with sarcastic eye-roll or told him to shut it and concentrate on the mission. 'Renegade' mostly meant that she did whatever had to be done, even it was unpopular or downright 'evil'. In contrast to that was the 'Paragon' way of playing, which meant the character always took the morally good option and was a shining hero (I personally find that rather lame in gameplay terms).

    That's it for now from me.

    1. Thank you for the insights! When I finally get around to re-writing/updating this page I will include that information.

      Yes, I mostly meant the dialogue ('hard coded'). Since writing this I've done a lot more with speech files and realize that it's just calling a specific speech file. I also meant, somewhat, that it is a part of the character as envisioned by its designer.

      I also realize some of the 'interpretation' I've done throughout the mod reflects more of my own imagination than any actual code. I am always glad to be put right. Love the game, almost wish I could vacation in Arulco myself.

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